Home Immigration Cabo Verde – THIS country is part of West Africa??? (Cape Verde)

Cabo Verde – THIS country is part of West Africa??? (Cape Verde)

Cabo Verde – THIS country is part of West Africa??? (Cape Verde)

This video is all about Cabo Verde. Join this channel to see videos early, and get ad-free videos:

Cabo Verde used to be known by its English name Cape Verde, but the country’s country wants us all to use the country’s Portuguese name. Portuguese is the official language of this island nation off the coast of West Africa. It is a former Portuguese colony, and its population largely descends from both Portuguese settlers and West Africans brought there from the mainland. Before their arrival, the scattered islands of Cabo Verde were uninhabited.

The culture of Cabo Verde is a fusion of Portuguese and African cultures, and the language they use in daily life is Cape Verdean Creole, which got most of its vocabulary from Portuguese, but is not Portuguese.


Producer and host: Paul
Writer: James Watson
Video editor: Luis Solana Ureña (Acribus Studio)

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Santiago González

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Images licensed from istock.com


The following images were used under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 or Share Alike 4.0 license:

Author: bourrichon. CC BY SA 3.0 Unported license.


Main: “Gamma Ray Sky” by La Boucle. Licensed from Epidemicsound.com
Outro: “Can’t Go Out”, licensed from Storyblocks.com



  1. I''m Portugese with Capeverdean heritage, and I would like to congratulate you for the great video!
    The staple dish is Cachupa and not Capucha eheh
    Do you knew that the language Cape Verdean creole was forbidden by the Portuguese, because the slaves could communicate between themselves and not be understood by the Portugueses?! But thankful to our mothers that keep teaching creole against all odds so we don't lose sight of our roots, the language survived till today!
    There is also a speculation that Cristiano Ronaldo has a Cape Verdean spine. Which make sense as the majority of the Portuguese that inhabit Cabo Verde during the centuries came from Madeira, Azores and north of Portugal.
    Thanks for putting us on the map, cause even in Africa they just noticed us when we play football 😀

  2. just a correction, not CAPUCHA kkkkk, its CATCHUPA and the rest is all correct, and its all ok if you say either Cabo Verde or Cape Verde or even Kabu Verdi which is in Kriolu, there's no much of a difference for us 😅

  3. Portuguese language has some words of African origin too.

    The name Cape Verde , comes from a coastal location in Senegal that had the same name, hence the idea of the Portuguese to put the islands of the same name, for lack of idea (creativity), or perhaps to facilitate the description.

    An fix, 8:22 Is cachupa , capucha doesn't exist; well cape verdian say catchupa/katxupa

    I think you studied well, in the aforementioned whaling season when American fishermen recruited Cape Verdeans to go fishing. Most who live in the US, Boston, Massachusetts, from isnland of Fogo, Maio and Brava origin.

    I'll just enrich your video with an extra

    Cape Verdeans went with the Portuguese on adventures in Asia (India) as well, where more than half of the crew was Cape Verdean.

    in numbers of area vs people, Cape Verde is the most misegenated country in the world, and the northern islands have greater mixtures of Africans and Europeans than the southern ones.

    However, it does not have a natural wealth seek that improves the population's standard of living, which means young people luck in Europe and the USA, many stay there forever other return at retirement age.

    Dakar, Senegal, was the main destination to seek to improve conditions, outside Portugal, USA and Holland, this is the closest option for many Cape Verdeans in the 50's to 80's.

    Cape Verde, São Vicente, in my opinion, after brazil, it has the Best Carnival In The World, imagine if it had more money, things would go to another level;

    Cape Verde, country of talent in theatre, music (morna, zouk, kizomba ), sport, mostly football, most famous is Carlos Alhinho, Jorge Andrade, Luis Nani, Miguel, now Nelson Semedo, Ricardo Perreira Renato Sanches, Gelson Martins all for Portugal national team, Erik Larsen for Sweden national team (father is Cape Verdean), Patrick Vieira (mother is Cape Verdean). Vieira born in Senegal and represent France national team. all this one is are children of emigrants, born in europe, except Vieira. basketball Carlo Lisboa is the G.O.A.T of portuguese baskeball and now have Edy Tavares (Real Madrid), but this play for Cape Verde

    Cape Verde is top 3 in the world in kitesurfing

    Cristiano Ronaldo's great-grandmother is from Cape Verde, sh'e went to Madeira island looking for the better life 🙂

    In portuguese say Cabo Verde, in english say Cape Verde and in french Cape Vert.

    Nice video, congrats and Thanks

  4. I'm capeverdean, you did a great job on this (been following langfocus for years now). Do try some catxupa when you get the chance, it's delicious, when I guarantee you'll never get the name of the fish wrong again 🤣 sorry, couldn't help myself. Again, great job!

  5. Americans can not pronounced names, many people in America do not have education, that's why do not know many islands in the world, limited education.
    I m from Europe I know every islands and country in the world 🌎 in details.
    Cape Verde extremely beautiful islands and safety ,no guns , people very friendly and educated. I lived two years in Cape Verde. My favorite islands 🏝 in the world 🌎 Beautiful Portuguese music 🎶
    Very romantic islands ,many influences of European people ,that's why safety very simple .

  6. 08:27 LOL, it's "cachupa", not "capucha"!

    Cape Verde, unlike other previous African Portuguese colonies, was not at war with Portugal, so the islands mantained most of the Portuguese monuments and history. Another interesting thing is that, as Madeira and the Azores, Cape Verde also was a part of the Peripheral Islands, under the "colonia" contract (they were not an overseas province, like Angola or Mozambique). After the Carnation Revolution in Portugal, these islands started to have their independence parties, and Cape Verde was the most successful – in the Azores they didn't care that much and in Madeira it was somewhat complicated.

  7. We aren't inhabited when the Portuguese came, we have some documents who proves that.
    Whe are a "international country" the "diaspora" ( emigrants) are the majority of our population kkkk. And we share the same language (crioulo) with Guiné Bissau, the majority of the slaves came from there and they were the base of our population.
    And call us Caboverdianos

  8. This information isn’t entirely factual. To say that most Cape Verdeans speak Portuguese AND creole does absolutely no justice to our country. Portuguese is our written language however creole is what the people speak. Because of this our schools teach in Portuguese, our important documents are Portuguese and STEM careers are conducted exclusively in Portuguese – yet the majority of the population does not understand Portuguese at all because the language they have been exposed to since birth is one of 13 variations of our creole (it changes from region to region, just like how in the US people in the south speak differently than in say NY, etc). The language disparities creates a MASSIVE barrier to education for most kids/people who are subjected to “learning” exclusively in a language they don’t speak and for most, do not hear at all outside of a classroom. It also creates a terrible class difference where no matter how sick we both are, if we are at a hospital and one of us speaks Portuguese and the other creole ~ the Portuguese speaking patient will be seen much sooner and receive higher quality treatment by being seen as higher status or potentially wealthier due to speaking Portuguese – a language that in our country is for the rich. You cannot say that our country mostly speaks both. Besides that being highly inaccurate, it’s just a disservice to our countries efforts to close that class or status gap between our native tongue speakers and those privileged enough to have learned to speak, read and write in Portuguese. What we need are channels willing and able to tell our truth(s) for our country’s development to gain the traction it needs to continue to advance. Also it’s katxupa not kaputxa.

  9. Glad to see you doing a video on Cabo Verde.I enjoy your other channel Lungfocus as well. You could do a video about Cabo Verde creole and its sister language papiamentu .

  10. I was so excited when I saw the video!! I'm a Cape verdean subscriber, I'm from Sal but currently living in Praia, and planning on going back home for good this Year 🙏🏼 I love Langfocus as well, since I have this thing for languages 😄, I hope to see more about our culture and Kriolo from you! Keep up the good work! 🙏🏼😊Thank You!

  11. Very nice, our biggest resource is definitely our people. Over there clubs run till the morning, and neighbors don’t get upset if you blast music lol. Deff the closest to a cultural shock I had when I moved to the US

  12. I am Cape verdean and I've been following langfocus for years, I'm always finding influences in our creole trough your videos(ex: the "Papiamento" video), Very nice surprise hope you make a video there about the cape verdean language.
    PS: Catchupa [kɐˈʧupɐ] (not capucha)

  13. I didn't know that about the name. I mean it's crazy because I'm used to think about them as Cabo Verde because is how we say it in my native language (Spanish), same as Portuguese and Cape-Verdean Creole, but when I'm thinking in English now it's crazy, but I guess it's a question of time to be used to.
    I knew about the country but not that deeply. But I can say I watched an important match of the Cabo Verde national football team during the World Cup qualifiers. My curiosity about geography is often shared with sports.

  14. Wow. Your video was a youtube suggestion since I'm from Cabo Verde and I'm so glad it did it because it was so well explained that I trust your research to get to know the other countries through your channel. Just a litte and humble observation. The well known dish is called cachupa (you said capucha). But with so solid information, I can say it is just a detail. You just gained a new subscriber. Nice work 😊

  15. Hi Paul! Your videos are awesome, just excellent videos.

    Let me suggest you to do much more videos from African Continent, the long forgotten continent. I think people are eager to know much more things about these wonderful countries.


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