Casa De Francisco Marto & Jacinta Marto – Child Saints of Fatima Portugal. Tour the home of the Marto family saints. This is the home where they lived during the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Fatima.
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Gracias yo los Amo a los 3 de ellos yo me vesti como jacinta por 3 semanas me tocaron el c I razon y me hicieron llorar god bless always
💖🙏🛐⚘Ave Maria💖🙏🛐⚘Amen💖🙏🛐⚘
As crianças santas de Deus e tbm.nossa senhora
Linda princesa altruísta iluminada Deus usando
Kindly consider praying an additional holy Rosary to your current daily one, for the loving intentions of our Blessed Mother – she will be ever so grateful: as well as fasting to your capacity. We need her help now, more than ever. God bless you. Jacinta and Francisco, pray for us.
This was incredible…thank you for sharing with us.
R.I.P Francisco and Jacinta Marto
Juancito y Jacinta ustedes que están cerca de mi Dios intercede para que mis 2 nietos busquen la convercion de nuestra fe católica ahradecidad
Thank you its beautiful 🙏