Chantelle Connelly makes a surprise arrival into the villa – and it’s not long before she finds out what Jay Gardner has been up to…
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Love Chantelle personality she is mint.
I love Chantal
charlotte is so plastic its sad
Tbh she took it well!????😭🤣
Chantelle looks HOT!
Shame that James, Jay and that have all regressed to being how they were in their 20s. They seemed to be in stable happy grown up relationships
Jay Gardner is one of the ugliest and strangest lads I’ve seen does anyone else think that like he’s not attractive at all
James is that messy asf old auntie who is boring asf so gets off of other peoples drama!😒
Personally I love Chantelle she’s soooo messy but real! She was one of the best additions to the show😂🤞🏽
Anyone know the song from 6:21 to 6:31?
Why is Abby always the other woman…..ew
chantelle looks amazingg as alwayzz
The chokehold that Gary still has on Charlotte to this day…..
Ricki 😳 nd Chantel looks like handsome squidward
Love that the show is back.. but WHY the loud, awful and dramatic music in the background? Its very unbeareble to watch. And the dramatic entrences is also very cringe.
I can’t work out wether they just never matured or going back on this is bringing out the immaturity again 🧐
house of tramps, all them
Chantelle's dress is everything
how much are James n ricci being paid to over exaggerate this hahahaha
They are in their early 30s and still act like they are in their 20s 😂
Ricky is so much more fun n chilled this time rounnd
I’m here for the drama 🎭
Abby is always the other woman/ side chick/ back up option. Girl, raise up your vibrations.
What on earth has happened to Ricci, I am shooketh
Is Scotty T banned or something? Why isn’t he there? That cannot be his decision to be missing all this