Civilization 6: Tier lists for wonders are nowhere. So in this civ 6 video this tier list for civilization 6 is exploring all wonders of civ 6 and tier list them in civilization 6. Civ 6 has many avenues to explore and the strongest bonuses in civilization vi come from wonders in civ vi. Join TheCivLifeR in exploring every wonder in civ vi.
00:00 Intro
01:08 Alhambra
02:30 Amundsen-Scott Research Station
03:50 Angkor Watt
04:43 Apadana
05:17 Big Ben
06:11 Biosphere
07:08 Bolshoi Theatre
07:52 Broadway
08:25 Casa De Contraction
09:20 Chitzen Itza
10:05 Colosseum
10:50 Colossus
11:25 Cristo Redenter
12:50 Eiffel Tower
13:45 Estadio Do Maracana
14:26 Etemenanki
15:05 Forbidden City
15:42 Golden Gate Bridge
17:20 Great Bath
18:30 Great Library
19:30 Great Lighthouse
20:05 Great Zimbabwe
20:52 Hagia Sophia
21:20 Hanging Gardens
22:05 Hermitage
22:28 Huey Teocala
23:20 Jebel Barka
24:27 Kilwa Kisiwani
25:20 Kotoku-In
26:11 Machu Picchu
26:47 Mahobodhi Temple
27:38 Mausoleum Of Halicarnassus
28:21 Meenakshi Temple
29:00 Mont St. Michel
30:05 Oracle
30:50 Orzaghaz
31:30 Oxford University
31:55 Panama Canal
33:00 Petra
33:34 Potala Palace
34:05 Pyramids
34:41 Ruhr Valley
35:35 St. Basil’s Cathedral
36:08 Statue Of Liberty
36:50 Statue Of Zeus
37:26 Stonehenge
38:05 Sydney Opera House
38:47 Taj Mahal
39:17 Temple Of Artemis
39:57 Terracotta Army
40:35 University Of Sankore
42:06 Venetian Arsenel