Home Immigration Communist regime’s ‘common prosperity’ clashes with reality: the rich are fleeing China

Communist regime’s ‘common prosperity’ clashes with reality: the rich are fleeing China

Communist regime’s ‘common prosperity’ clashes with reality: the rich are fleeing China

‎ The wealthiest people in China are seeing their net worth decline as the global economic recession, the domestic crisis caused by the covid zero policy and the danger to the stability of supply chains continue. In Xi’s last speech at the 20th Congress, the Communist leader highlighted common prosperity as a goal to be achieved. However, the wealthy in China have long since begun fleeing to places friendlier to their fortunes.
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  1. “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.", who said dat??? Chief Justice John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819). when politicians ratified the 16th amendment, they gave that power to themselves making America a kleptocracy ran by the kleptoCRAT Party.

  2. No one will own nothing,all shops closed but for one per area,to become area distribution shop, to supply areas with certain necessities, owned by the ccp goverment only,..to supply workers only.Everyone becomes serfs working for the CCP party making wealth for them only.Its the Mou communest era all over again,where everyone wore mundane dull cloths no colours,the women have no makeup,short cut hair ,but this time even when the women are told to have children they are infertile because of the poisoned waters and food the only have .and poor medical except for the eleat ..But the worst of all old people everywhere with no care for them,no babies no future , a dieing country of serfs so brainwashed like N.Korea they worship bronze statues of dead leaders, and believe any lie told them,to the rediculious and stupid, as a truth! Such is the way of greed and power hungry to bring about their own end,and their own country.Shamefull.

  3. Socialism, or Communism, is against capitalism, and private ownership, so think it's obvious what kind of ownership, or control, will be imposed on the well off. Cultural Revolution 2.0.

  4. If 10,000 rich people leave China, the country will still have 130,000 people left for every one of the people who leave. And if China redistributes the money of the 1,000,000 richest people, they will not have enough to do anything meaningful for the 13,000 people each would have to support.

  5. Pooh Bear will likely never understand that no one wants to live in a fascist state. It’s part of human nature to seek and enjoy freedom and not fear arbitrary persecution. Only the very top kleptocrats enjoy such a regime and only while they’re in the good book. That’s why the infamous Iron Curtain was built – they needed to keep people locked inside.


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