Home Immigration CORFU Buying Property

CORFU Buying Property

CORFU Buying Property

This video covers buying property in Corfu, Corfual’s tips plus a chat with top laywer “Paul Tateos” who gives the benefit of his experience in depth’ .
Well worth watching if your considering a move.



  1. Thank you very much for posting this. I understand quite a few people would be disappointed in the winter weather and social scene but it's perfect for us as future retirees and homebodies. Corfu's weather is just like ours. The procedure sounds much like buying property in the U.S.

  2. Good to see you Alan. Always great information from your side of the universe. For those that really do not, do their research: Research, research and more research. As you have mentioned on a number of occasions; If you want to live there, Rent and live there in the winter: Can you cope?!?
    A pleasure as always young Alan 🙂 Have a pleasant winter and stay safe.

  3. Al great video as always hope your well. Have a merry Christmas🎄🎄🎄. Remember me im Harry and isabelle who you met in Oscars. We were just wondering if we could please have a shoutout.

  4. Hi Al, fascinating and informative video with excellent advice from the professionals. Should stop too many pitfalls for potential buyers from UK. Totally agree come out and rent over Winter and get a feel for the place.
    If you purchase using the Golden ticket scheme, what happens after the five year period.
    Hope you and Mrs Corfual all set for Christmas. How about you doing a recipe in your kitchen and get us in the mood for Christmas. Yamas my friend. Stay safe and hopefully catch you in Oscars in ‘23.

  5. Thankyou Al, most informative, wishing you and your wife a lovely Corfu winter and Happy Christmas. What is the average Dec, Jan, Feb Temperture in Corfu? Stay safe.

  6. Cheers big Al , we enjoyed that , very informative indeed 👍
    I just need a lotto win of over £250.k 🎊
    It was great to you both last month 👌


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