European Union has excluded COVID-19 vaccine Covishield from its ‘Green Pass’ list. India has formally raised the issue with the EU. Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute, said he has taken this up at the “highest levels”.
#EuropeanUnion #AdarPoonawalla #GreenPass
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You can or we can talk a lot here. But, our Government should take the action against EU. No need to discuss or get approval. Just get all the Europeans out of India for any reasons. That will do the job.
The same attitude is adopted vs the Johnson & Johnson vaccine administered in South Africa; whilst the vaccine is at the top of the list of the EMA, if you have been vaccinated with this vaccine in South Africa it is not accepted in the EU; if travelling into the EU you need to falsely declare that you are not vaccinated, otherwise you do not obtain the Travel Pass! A negative covid-19 test is required instead of the vaccine certificate!
Wait….so the Serum hasn't asked for certification by the EMA and you people blame the EU….complete idiots!!!!
I hope western countries will do more thing like this . This is kind of blessing for India
As we speak, India has issued a warning to European council that if they continue with this stupid move, Europeans won't be allowed here as well without taking our vaccines. Seiously, do we need to go through this childish interchange by putting so many in trouble? Europeans reading this, think about it. If this is not discrimination then what is it? Last year when half of these European countries and America were in a desperate situation, India helped them and now they do this to India. This is what India gets for being generous and thinking of global welfare. Thank you very much.
Loosing sign of Supermacy ?????Hahaha . Time to punish all these EU by rest of the world at all front. All country should ban them to enter their country too neither product nor people.
Enough is Enough.
WION has lied so much about the virus we should call it the WION VIRUS!!
this sounds like racism to me
aparthied attitude of EU towards vaccine
Big Pharma behind this, no doubt
We need to call our vaccine ‘CurryShield’
Hi, can we travel to uk from india with a negative covid certificate.
Or it is compulsory for students to get vaccinated for entry.
What is the current rule now about this
How dumb is EU seriously u can approve Astra zenica but can't accept covishield because it's come with different name how racist
People like me won't visit EU even if we are eligible for green pass in future. Let us be self reliant.
This is disgusting. I’m tired of the vaccine xenophobia, all of it.
MAD countries still exist
Just keep vaccination on, stay safe.
The west will keep you inviting soon, just matter time.
India should stop supporting this western countries in south China sea only go with countries which have good relations like Japan Russia and Vietnam. Take the mattet to UN directly with the countries involved Then only will these discriminatory practice stop.
It's now business so might be those manufacturers don't want any competitor from India in their market.. It's simple logic.. It can be shown this way by them but the motive behind this is their business..
Update of covaxin
The colonial hangover refuses to go away.
India never ever in the West mind but the former has all Western Values in them. The West treated Indian like a Pariah. Just imagine how India going to be the next Power when they only being exploited n manipulated?
This is a way to keep developing countries under chk and not to ket them progress making them feel small.
I guess ….They asked for commission or cut money which was not settled .
In short they wants "big" heart to travel EU.
Bend the knee.
First covaxin now covishield
So same vaccine but different name and they have problem with that? Sounds like racism to me
EU is behaving like the mean girls!!! "You cannot sit with us" 🙄🙄
Audio / Microphone quality is horrible… WION you are now going global… please issue proper equipment and atleast test the equipment / connection 5 minutes before the piece…
Simple India should ban all other vaccines so they can't enter India
Thanks EU for helping India during fragile condition, India has accepted your aid as friendship , and friends would be remembered 💙
Who is loosing out the tourists? How about Chinese vaccines? Pray for EU travel industry.
I urge every Indian to be self reliant. Believe in our own country, people, culture, heritage and discard the western dominance. It’s time we need to step up and show them their right place as Community of looters and thieves, nothing else. Black dot on human history is west and Middle East.
Where is curevac German vacccine 😂
I think India should allow people who have taken Indian vaccines only. It should not get bullied like this by those racists from the west
Outrageous, this is total monopoly and the west just wants their vaccine 💉 approved & used + manufactured at their locations only .. pure business as usual for them … 😞