Celebs like Matt Damon, Gwenyth Paltrow, Paris Hilton and others who made millions endorsing cryptocurrency have been remarkably quiet in recent days as the market crashed. Over in Switzerland, psychedelic shamans have been hired to guide billionaires on journeys of self discovery at this year’s get-together in Davos. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue
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Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is the premier late night talk show on CBS, airing at 11:35pm EST, streaming online via Paramount+, and delivered to the International Space Station on a USB drive taped to a weather balloon. Every night, viewers can expect: Comedy, humor, funny moments, witty interviews, celebrities, famous people, movie stars, bits, humorous celebrities doing bits, funny celebs, big group photos of every star from Hollywood, even the reclusive ones, plus also jokes.
Psychedelics will humble you
Speculation wealth goes both ways easily. Those sectors made trillions out of thin air and now its payback time. US stocks are the same, 70-80 pe for revenues generating little to no profit. Amazon Tesla etc are ponzi scam, in line collapse
Almost invested 10k when doge was 0.35. I would be down to 2k at current prices.
This is a well detailed and informed video. I'm here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy over the air talk about the importance of investing and how he made $410,000 in 5months from $180,000 startup. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas
Pretty sure that Engadine Macca's had a professional plaque up for a good year or so detailing the achievement… Disappeared when he became PM
I read once that Crypto is to men as MLMs are to women. Just another pyramid scheme…
Buying fake money, with other fake money. 😅 You know who is not affected by inflation wealthy folks. Like this guy on this video.
The world's smallest violin playing for Dogecoin…
There's a reason why there's Ayahuasca at the billionaires event. Not to have a looser grip on reality but to have a deeper understanding of it.
Just realised Jon B is not on the stage and hasn't been for a while, whats he doing? Love that guy!
Do you have a side I. Your coments ? Use to like you !!
He was copying Boris Johnson
Wow, People aRe dumb (crypto-crash) who'd act on financial advice from paid celebrity-endorsements?! ( Or invest in imaginary intangible goods, in an obvious ponzy-scheme…)
Holy S! That PM attacked that kid, the word "frottage" comes to mind.
i imagine the Dad wanted to rush into the field and kick the PM's ass but Aussie Secret Service wouldn't allow it. That's a war against your own People, to run your sex on Their Children in broad daylight bcuz Their Tax-$$$$$ insulate your sorry ass from harm.
Bitcoin was at 1500 Euros per Bitcoin in 2016……… WHAT MELTDOWN ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? Now it's at 38000 Euros, in 2019 it was at 60000 Euros … where do you think it will be in 2030???!!! Look at the Bitcoin 10-year chart… always going up and down.. BUT NEVER going away!
The banks & Hedge funds are in control now, don't invest in crypto, stocks
Price gouging causes inflation. Economics 101.
This made me laugh. Just tried getting 8 wings at my local Amish market and they wanted me to pay 30 dollars for them. I just walked out
My portfolio went through the roof during the Trump years, retired early and enjoying the Biden ride more than most!
No thsnk in KR
Doll. As in ???
Interesting video. But it's most profitable to earn in the Utopia p2p ecosystem on Crypton's lucrative terms.
This is why Asian people wipe their asses with water and soap. Not with toilet paper
So get over your daggs
Is capitalism doing you well.
What do you expect?
Did he voice j.r on inside job
I understand nothing about how crypto works but Stephen's description brings to mind what we used to call "Ponzi".
The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Hilder Ferguson. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits
Stephen I am a crypto celeb, just more of a discrete one. I can tell you that crypto is nothing more than a ponzi scheme and it sucks nuts. I love you Stephen never change and keep making your show. I love Baptiste.
Be intentional about your finances, that's the first step to financial security and Making better investment.I've been stacking the cash by investing. I invested 40k in blue chip stocks and crypt0s (with the help of my advisor of course) and made about 380k,Took out a 100k and reinvested the remaining. So far I'm up to 600k+ in stocks and Crypto. Been doing the dave ramsey plan and got out of debt 2 years ago.
It's as if Crypto was a scam based entirely on a speculation and founded on literally nothin
The appeal of crypto was never as an inverse barometer to the stock market. That is a statement made in the ignorance he freely confesses. Bitcoin was created as a means of providing a digital store of wealth which is non-inflationary. The final Bitcoin will be mined in 2140. There will be exactly 21 million Bitcoin mined. No others will be minted. That is the Promise of Bitcoin. No other promises were made. No other promises are necessary.
I don't know. But I highly think in the near future everything goes digital. So as of right now crypto may be down but it will pick back up, but NFT products will not. Money still need a physical or a tangible product to back it up like: gold, tin, copper, bronze, silver and so on. I also highly think that crypto token or currency will become a physical entity to sustain digital exchange. I can see that coming within 10 – 15 years in the first world countries and huge cities.
Well,… What do I know. I'm not the money guy that knows how to predict economical values.
Just right now crypto is in it's "great depression" stage. It will be sought. And probably within 30 – 50 years world currency will be meld into one just like in Europe with their Euro currency. Value of currency may drop for the time being when the transition happens.
Again, I don't know. Just basing this on our current/world events.
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
Colbert is compromised. He's a part of the desensitization. If he or his producers saw the research behind psychedelics, he would be encouraging his audience to look into it more. But, making fun of it strengthens the disinformation and misconceptions about its benefits. Notice he didn't mention a record amount of private jets that were used to get to Davos to speak about climate change.
Yeah, let's call it a tackle, and not "a clumsy, weak, half-blind old man falling to the side in an unceremonius fashion onto an unlucky kid".
oops, now you gotta go back to roman ways without paper for the toilet. but water n a scrubber
I'm new to cryptocurrency and I don't understand how it really works. Can anyone show me the right approach to invest with cryptocurrency investments and get good profits?
Stephen colbert liberal show is so intoxicated. It's obvious he is helping to subliminal run programs. Stephen is evil ass fuck. First: convid19. He promoted "Its the new normal. 2. The pizza gate padilphile ring. He was being sarcastic about it. To point he was sayingnit was fake. 3. Gas raise up to 7 dollars per gallon in california. He said he is willing to pay any amount to avoid giving money to Russia. Even said he Willing to pay 12 dollars for gas. They fake clap machine started clapping. Ladies and gentlemen. We are being brain wash to agree to their agenda. He is worth over 60 million dollars. He is part of the the biggest lie. He is a piece of shit. 💩 pay attention to his words.
☝☝☝🇱🇷 Investing in Bitcoin is the best investment anyone should think of doing, because it has made a lot of people millionaire. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life.
Thanks for changing my finance status..
☝☝☝🇱🇷 Investing in Bitcoin is the best investment anyone should think of doing, because it has made a lot of people millionaire. I pray anyone who reads this will be successful in life.
Thanks for changing my finance status..