What you to need to apply for your D7 Visa in Portugal. We discuss our journey through this process along with the Reunification process for our son. We are on the Island of Madeira and have emigrated to Portugal from the USA. Let’s go. It’ll Be fun!
As you learn about the Visa process you will be enjoying video footage from two of the public parks in Funchal and the painted doors in Se. When visiting the island we hope you do not miss these free adventures.
Our music has been composed, performed and produced by Scott Gorsuch.
In case you do not know, the Madeira Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean about 325 miles west of Morocco and 625 SW of Lisbon.
Are you thinking about moving abroad, becoming expats or immigrating? Each week we talk about our journey to retirement, in moving to Portugal, moving to the Island of Madeira and our new experiences. We also answer questions from our viewers!
About us: We are from the USA and have moved to the beautiful Island of Madeira in Portugal. We are very grateful to have this opportunity. We have put together this channel to talk about our journey. As you will see we have no clue what we are doing and hope you will ask questions about our journey, provide positive advice and support us along the way.
Please subscribe, like and let the videos run! Hit the Bell. All to Help us grow and improve.
😎 Buy us a Cafe 😎
✔Send us your questions for topics. We will answer them in upcoming videos.
email Itllbefunretirement@gmail.com.
✔Please follow us on Instagram @Itllbefungreer
I’ll be Fun, Greer.
We are on an Island in the middle of the ocean off the coast of Morocco!
It doesn’t suck.
Come along and join us.
The Man, the Myth, the Dude…
Please note that any programs or websites we mention are only for reference. We do not receive any money from these websites. Please do your own research before registering with any company or program. We can not be responsible if they are not what you were looking for or cannot provide the services you may require.
We like:
✔USA mail service
✔Tour company www.HitTheRoadMadeira.com
✔Pet Health Certificate USA www.APHIS.USD.GOV/APHIS/Pet-travel
✔Research information
✔Research VISA information
✔Research PT Moving Service information www.EImigrante.PT
Are you moving to Portugal or Madeira Portugal? Then this is the channel for you. We are living in Portugal as expats / immigrants. We hope you enjoy our content.
Enjoy Your Journey!
Oi! Alan.
Tudo Bem?
Carl (Toronto, Canada)
Thanks for the info. Did you have to schedule your SEF appointment once you arrived, or was it pre-scheduled when you received the D7? I ask because I know someone who's appointment was scheduled automatically for him when his D7 was first approved. I never heard of this happening to anyone else. Thanks!
Iam also planning to move to Funchal with my family a total of four members and i would be really glad if uh could help us and guide us in house hunt as I had been looking on idealista and other websites for rental but in some cases the homes show on the list but we come to know as they are allready taken and many times the price is too high. Can uh tell as what is the average price for a two bedroom two bath sea view fully furnished apartment rental per month
Wonderful description of what’s needed Alan! If I may ask, which parts of the process did you seek help? Can you list and also list who or what company you used? It would be very helpful. Thanks JP
Hi how r uh
Wow. That seems like a lot.
Hello Alan, Between all of the official copies, FedEx charges and the government fee, I'm wondering if you can give an estimate to all of the costs involved? My guess is it's probably close to $1,000 USD? That's in addition to the bank deposits. BTW, must the bank deposit remain in the account or can it be drawn down? A similar scheme in the Netherlands requires the funds to remain in the account for the duration and not be touched, so just asking. Thanks.
As always, very informative, while touring the area. Preparednes and Patience…and determination in order to realize your dream of living in Portugal. Keep well u three! From Veronika in New Mexico
Superb video. Very helpful!
One question that is still confusing for our family. How did you get a NIF# without providing a Portugal physical address?
Hi, as you know, I am moving to Funchal in January, 2023. I am working with a service to get my application together to be submitted in September for the D7 Visa. I think it’s a great idea to reserve the apartment on the scouting trip. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to do this and my trip occurred last year. I did meet with a realtor in person there. I thought he would take me more seriously and he has agreed to find my apartment in August. I was told only one tax return from last year is needed. Things change rapidly. Thank you for sharing this information.
Love it, thanks for the info team!
I am so loving the scenery and helpful information. I am 56 and eligible for state retirement January 2023. My benefit will be stretched to the max in US (even Louisiana), but once in Portugal it sounds like it would be enough. I appreciate knowing you have to show 3 months of income, meaning it would need to be after retirement. I wonder what company you used for assistance and how expensive it was to use that service?
I applied on 1st June.
It took me three-and-a-half months to gather fourteen supporting documents and I did everything myself.
I am not from the USA, but I have lived and worked in Portugal for a period of four years until 2018.
Bom Dia, Alan.
Tudo Bem?
A Great informative video… Great images too.
As you stated that is your personal case/experience. Your advice is excellent. Do your research and homework before embarking in such a life journey…
Do remember that Madeira Islands is a Region Autonomous of Portugal and part of the European Union. Life in Madeira is different from Continental Portugal.
I have watched so many videos and people comment that you can see the sea from everywhere (almost!). Well, it is an Island and therefore it is surrounded by water…
If you are planning to move to Madeira Island be aware that things are done differently than larger countries. You can't expect that a 'Donut Shop' is in every corner.
Be prepared for changes, adaptation, culture, language, environment, climate, beauty and pure air…
Make sure it is what you want… many expats make Madeira their home for centuries… and they love it.
Thanks again for a great informative video.
Take care and enjoy your new life journey…
Um Grande abraco.
Forca! Saude!
Carl (Toronto, Canada) ❤
Great information, looking forward to visiting Madeira. 😍
Greatly appreciate your openness and very comforting voice… as it is as easy as being described. You’re both are brave souls…stay safe and well!
Love your videos and your come voice! Can you share what services you paid for and if you can give us recommendation of the people you used.
Really appreciate. Keep doing your video they are great!
You are very well informed thanks for sharing. What paperwork would a person need to spend a month in Madeira?