Home Real Estate Diolli.com matchmaking service will continue spreading the love! Warsaw, Poland at the moment

Diolli.com matchmaking service will continue spreading the love! Warsaw, Poland at the moment

Diolli.com matchmaking service will continue spreading the love! Warsaw, Poland at the moment

Warsaw, Poland at the moment but Kharkov, Ukraine in our hearts and dreams❤️
We believe that it is our duty to reorganize our business and to continue spreading love. We will start introducing our clients to Ukrainian women in Western Europe.

Please email svetlana@diolli.com for more information.



  1. I'm planning to relocate to Poland, i would like you to match me with any of the Europeans ladys will that be possible and what are the requirements for the matchmaking?

  2. You're a beautiful person inside and out, Sveta. I hope you and your family find a suitable place in Germany to wait out this tragedy until you can return to your beloved Kharkov. Hopefully, Ekaterina was able to get her funds today somehow. I know it is dangerous to walk around. Much love.

  3. God bless you very much for the love and beauty in your heart. Your purpose is noble and heartwarming. There is a better world on the other side of this mess.

  4. Stay strong Svetlana. It would be pointless to say that I know how you must be feeling. – I don't, and hope that I never have to endure what you and your fellow Ukrainians are going through. You all are an inspiration to the rest of the world, facing 'mad Vlad' and his terrorist army alone. The assistanceoffered by the US/UK/Europe makes me ashamed to call myself British. When you prevail, you will at least know that you have no need for the comfort of NATO. – Indeed, they should be begging Ukraine to join.
    Слава Україні.

  5. I am glad you made it safe to Poland. From what I have seen almost all of Poland is full with Ukranians, and now many are proving across Europe as more people leave Ukraine. Good luck with restarting your business again, and the video does make sense, I hope you can return to home to Kharkiv as soon as possible


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