Home Immigration Do we still have enough water to grow food?

Do we still have enough water to grow food?

Do we still have enough water to grow food?

With rain in the forecast it is time to start planting our fall and winter garden.

0:00 Introduction
1:20 Pulling out some summer crops
3:20 Summer garden fritters
5:50 Prepping the beds for planting
8:16 What I’m planting
12:18 Well update

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Music: Epidemic Sound

New here? My name is Lea and I live with my partner Maarten, our toddler Puck and baby Bo on our land in Central Portugal. We left the rat race in the Netherlands in 2018 and moved south in our old campervan. Two years ago we bought land in Portugal that had been abandoned for several decades. After lots of hard work we now live in a beautiful yurt and keep ourselves busy growing our own vegetables as well as producing olive oil, wine and honey on a small scale. This channel documents all the different jobs we have to do, and sometimes some nice footage of this beautiful country we now call home.

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  1. I hope you all get some rain soon. Here in Ontario Canada countryside where I live. we have had too much rain. Which causes flooding and the soil becomes too waterlogged. A lot of my veggies suffered because it was just too wet. I hope next season will be better. Your children are growing so nicely. I enjoy watching them help in the garden. My daughter loves to be in the garden with me as well.

  2. You need to think about an artesian borehole because droughts are very common in your region.
    You can count on about two droughts per decade, and I'm not only talking about a drought of one year long as it may be longer as in the past . Another solution is to build one or more big water tanks and fill them during winter.

  3. Living in drought stricken Nevada desert I went with homemade Oja's using cheap unfired clay pots, I blocked the bottom hole with cork and siliconed the the two halves inverted together and buried them 90% in raised garden. Filling them with watering can when needed, It reduced water use by 70% and garden did just as well if not better while reducing weeds aswell. Raised beds can be filled with branches and small limb to about 60% with the rest being top soil.


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