Home Immigration Documentary Film Of The Lost Vanlifer Portugal Or The UK.


  1. Hi Martin fantastic vlog I can see your visit home to see family has give you the boost you needed . Your doing amazing mate keep going Portugal is an amazing place to live looking forward to the next one Steve b 🇬🇧 👍

  2. If you have anymore awful thoughts like that just get a hold of a fresh log and put it on the fire and remember the UK stinks.. probably only you will understand this comment.

  3. Stay safe, good to see your health on the way up, we all have to decide whats best for us in life, some stay put in one place and others travel, never settling down.
    Go back to uk to see family every so often, you will have a good life out there…Build a cabin for a more permanent feel.
    I settled here after the outer Hebrides, planning to move down Ayrshire area, somewhere out in the country soon, prob last move.
    Good watching your vids again, lost interest with alot during lockdown as i was still out there working in the community

  4. I don't offer this as advise but an observation of my own in life, always do what makes you happy, beause you cannot live to please others. Life is 💩 with moments of brilliance. You can't love anyone else until you have learned to love yourself.

  5. Lovely to to see you U.K. is not a happy place I should’ve been in Portugal on the 18th but crisis has come up so it’s been put on hold for a bit. Be back with you don’t leave me in this place 🙈🤣 lovely video well done you take care 🥰x

  6. They looked at you strange for not wearing a mask because that's what sheep do that run with the government narrative and do what there told to do without question or research,it's a sad world we live in with so many trapped in the matrix

  7. hi Martin so pleased to se you looking happy ,hope you dont think I am a a big baby but I was just about in tears peace and love stu from Devon all the best buddy 😅

  8. So many folks bitching about the U.K. in the comments, it’s pretty simple you live in your vans if you don’t like it here then leave after all isn’t that the beauty of living in a van home is where you park it !

  9. For me, life is about surrounding yourself with beautiful people, doing what you love. – That can be anywhere in the world if you want it to be. There's no need to drop anchor anywhere.

  10. You remind me of my youth, when I was a rebellious surfer dude at the Snake Park Beach in Durban. Somehow you manage to keep living the dream. Good for you and long may it last. Great video too…

  11. Don't come back to the UK it's a horrible place to live now. So much has changed for the worse in the last 2 years. Its for rich people only now. Not the place for anyone with any kind of health issue not just mental health. I am at rock bottom and just want the hell out of here!

  12. Great catch up mate! It would be so hard to leave a better climate for a worse one, especially if the sun agrees with you. Goats, horses, cats and friendly folk can definitely help cheer up ones soul. Nice you got to see your family, and hey! one dog in particular approved of your raving 🤣🐕👏

  13. If I ever have to fly in the not to distant future…. Im going to remember your tatics…when the chocolate biscuits came out , i was in hysterics..could not stop laughting. Good bye Babylon!!!


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