How our client received Dominica citizenship by investment and why it might be a great option for you.
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In this video we talk about my client who recently received Dominica citizenship by investment. He will now have a Dominica passport to travel the world with, apply for visas with, and overall live a more relaxed lifestyle thanks to this new second passport.
A second passport can help you in many situations. Whether you want to renounce US citizenship, get a better passport for more visa free access around the World, or just want to have a plan B in case your country imposes more restrictions, the Dominica citizenship by investment program can be a great option if you want to save on costs but still get a great quality passport.
Who is the Wealthy Expat?
The Wealthy Expat is run by Rafael Cintron, it’s a Youtube channel and company dedicated to helping you lower your taxes, get a second citizenship, and travel the World to increase your freedoms and happiness. Rafael Cintron is a 7-figure entrepreneur who’s traveled to more than 65 countries, gotten multiple residence permits all over the World, and a second citizenship by investment. He is committed and passionate about teaching you these topics.
We have a full team of people living in Dubai, UAE to help you set up residence and a zero tax company in the most upcoming country in the world.
If you want to learn more about Rafael and the Wealthy Expat strategies book a free call with him here:
In this video we talk about:
tax friendly countries, citizenship by investment, avoid taxes, pay zero taxes, dominica citizenship by investment, st kitts citizenship by investment, antigua and barbuda citizenship by investment, dominica passport, dominica citizenship, second passport, citizenship by investment countries, best passport, strongest passport, Caribbean citizenship, st lucia citizenship by investment, cheapest passport for sale, cheapest citizenship by investment.
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Nomad capitalist, robert kiyosaki, offshore citizen
DISCLAIMER: This video is not tax and/or financial advice. Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. I am not a tax professional and/or lawyer and/or accountant so I am not liable for any steps you take to lower your taxes. I’m not a financial advisor nor do I pretend to be. Always do your own research.
Sorry to say this. The domenican passport is useless at this moment. First of all it doesn't give any free access to europe neither to north America
Passport Discrimination Must Be END!
Hello Sir, I have a question on the citizenship by investment program in saint Kitts and Nevis; if I invest 200k in a property to get the citizenship, can I still borrow money against this property assuming that I paid cash for it, are there financing options available for these types of investments?
Hopefully, Canada will be a Free-visa destination with this powerful passport. Thank you!
It's only passed to Children by descent only, not to grandchildren and further !
is it true ?
can I travel to USA with this?
Is he going to need to travel to Dominica get visas and such?
Hurricane won't affect you once you build a strong block home
i should be able to afford my second citizenship next year hopefully and ill be able to get the travel freedom i always wanted because my passport isn't that great
inspiring content! when it comes to investment diversification is the key, thats why i engaged in sectors based on projected growth. There's no shortcuts to getting rich but there are smart ways to go about it.
I am interested in your services. How long did it take to process the Dominica passport (referenced in this video) from submission of the application to the citizenship approval?
I'm happy you finally see the light. Dominica is great and I have helped more than 5 Nigerians.
Very helpful ok Thanks 🙏
I first got into BTC back in 2016 and have been hodling/buying sats at different price points since. I've been through corrections before and will likely experience more over the future. Volatility is simply the price one needs to pay if they want to play. I don't have any Alts as I'm a bit of a BTC Maxi, but that said, if BTC hasn't died before, it surely won't do so now. Stick in there – yes we are all feeling the pain, but over the long run this will just be a blip. This is how I see past corrections when I felt that I got in at a high (back then I think it was less than $1000 and bouncing all over the place!). Now when I look back, all I see is regret for not having the courage in buying more at those times. But if you believe BTC has value, then by all means, buy these dips if you can afford to. For those who got in at 60 or 70K and feeling the crunch: hang in there. BTC is not a get rich quick scheme. Wait it out and you will see: you will come away stronger. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 16` btc from day trading with Mr Wallace Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. You can reach Wallace on <What'sapp✙15203372631, or<TE-LEG-RAM 📩@wallace_077
Link up with him and remember to share your experience with others
I'm currently in the process of obtaining Dominica citizenship. I started collecting documents in March and finally submitted the hard copies back in the first week of June. I know that the citizenship team in Dominica has been reviewing them because they asked me for some additional information and to make a correction on one form. Any idea how long until it gets approved? I thought the agent said the due diligence had already come back, but is there more than one type of due diligence?
Where are you located as of now ?
Pls recommend lawyer or consultant for second citizenship for dominica and st kitts
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.
i m interested in Dominica citizenship
Can I add my children or wife after receiving my passport?
Perfect may you please make a video how get uae passport
How much investment needed
how much is the price of a 2 or 3 bedroom condominium in dominica? can buying a property there can qualified for cbi? I hope there's a casino in dominica.
How fast was it in terms of processing from start to finish?
Can you do Grenada next and talk about the E-2 visa?
Dominica is not necessarily the cheapest option. Depends on your family composition. For a family of 4, Antigua is cheaper
Respect ur honesty on ur decision
I’m from Australia and they’re ruining the country making it hard to live here. Forced medical crap all that jazz 45% tax rate i want out
Why not St Kitts and Nevis?
come listen again My friends, all the channels are getting more and more successful, amen👍👍