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Mehmet Oz, the television doctor-turned-Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, continues to fend off criticism regarding his ties to Turkey.
In this video, Andrew shares an article from and explains why Turkish citizenship is a good deal.
00:00 Start
0:17 Why Do you Need a Dual Citizenship?
1:55 News
2:30 Turkey Citizenship by Investment
4:00 Election in Turkey
6:07 The Easiest Country to Get a Work Visa
9:24 Investing in Real Estate
10:36 Taxes in the USA
12:10 Canadian Citizenship
12:56 Living in Turkey
Andrew is reading this article:
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
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Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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Choose Ur Country…. U wanta be a Citizen with Loyalty to another Country, Screw You, U don’t need to be running for Public Office in the USA… Choose…
99.99% of the time getting a visa if you're from a western country is not a problem. But that's not a guarantee they can always deny you entry. A citizen is always going to get in. I personally don't care if someone running for office has a second passport. That said Oz is just a terrible candidate. I'm so glad I'm not in Pennsylvania. I'd hate to have to choose between voting for Oz or his psychopath of an opponent.
If you leave USA using your USA passport can you fly into Turkey and enter using your Turkish passport?
American xenophobia is pretty common in certain parts of its culture. I would prefer Turkish citizenship over many others. Yes, I am an American by birth.
Ted Cruz was Canadian and American by birth. Several other senators and representatives also have dual citizenship.
I heard Turkey doesn't let you renounce your citizenship, but not sure if it's true
There are a number of dual citizens in the US Congress.
Dr Oz has American and Turkey citizenships. He owns land in Turkey. He served in the Turkey military. Oz is a practitioner of transcendental meditation. He identifies as Muslim and said he "chose to align his views with Sufism, a mystical Islamic sect. He will not have America's best interest in mind.
I never trusted that guy anyway, doesn't matter to me duel citizenship or not
Anyone who thinks that Oz has the same guarantee to be able to care for his mother in Turkey with a US passport vs a Turkish passport is disingenuous too. I mean policies could change on a whim, but citizens won't be denied access to the country unless we are talking about Australia.
Barbados is the one country where dual citizenship may not be a hindrance for public office. I mean they encourage dual citizenship and changed the constitution to allow naturalized dual citizens to hold their highest office.
I betcha AOC has her pertco reico citizenship and kalama Harris has her jamaican one.
Political rivals are always looking for a handy cudgel to beat you with. I don’t know that actual voters will care. The people who like Oz, like him. The ones who don’t, don’t. I don’t think his second citizenship is an issue. He should ignore it.
I think they’re more upset he’s from New Jersey than Pennsylvania than of Turkey.
Dr. Oz can renounce his Turkish citizenship and get a Blue Card(similar to US Green Card) Many Turks living in the Netherlands and Austria do this(both countries don't allow dual citizenship) Blue Card holders and their descendants can become citizens anytime they want.
Especially since he is Turkish. Cruz denounced his Canadian citizenship when he became Senator. Oz needs to be all American or go back to Turkey.
Hey Andrew, can you speak to what happens if say I decide I want to run for office in the US and say I don't have a second citizenship but say I have permanent residency in Portugal or some other countries? Is that legally allowed? 🤔
Love the video, but where Dr. Oz is concerned, as with all politicians, dual passports are the least of his concerns:)
Dual citizen Turks do not use their Turkish passports when entering Turkey. If they do they need to pay a departure tax when leaving. Foreign passport and Turkish ID is accepted.
We'll be seeing a lot more dual citizen congressional candidates in the coming years simply because the percentage of Americans who have dual citizenship is increasing. I believe there'll be some blowback on the next few candidates (especially if Republican) then it'll become a non-issue as dual citizenship becomes less and less alien fo the American voting public.
Turkey is becoming more and more an Islamic extremist country under Erdogan. I wouldn't invest in an Islamic country ever, Islam is one of the reasons I'm leaving my country.
He dumped Trump after winning, he has his own agenda.
The Turkish e visa site is always messed up, but eventually works. Apply earlier if you know you need it
It is never an issue if the politician has dual citizenship with Israel but a problem if it is from somewhere else. Dr. Oz needs to keep his Turkish citizenship just incase he needs a plan B.
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas had dual citizenship with the United States and Canada because he was born in Calgary to an American mother and Cuban father. He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2015 when he was running for president.
Many people in Israel have two or three passports but a little known fact is that when someone goes into elected politics (not government work but an elected official) they have to renounce all other citizenships. There were several cases in past years of members of the Knesset (Israel's parlament) who had to give up US passports, including Netanyahu.
Pennsylvania is a beautiful state . Demographics are a bit of a paradox , you have cities like Philadelphia and then much of the state is rural and communities have a small town mindset . Nothing wrong with it but it is what it is
With all the recent restrictions, it's pretty crazy to say that somebody who wants to take care of their parents shouldn't keep their guaranteed entry passport.
Dr. Oz is licensed to practice in Turkey because he is a citizen. He can write prescriptions and use the hospitals to care for his family.
Let's just get down to brass tacks. Oz is being dishonest.
It’s Türkiye
I agree with you. My question for Dr. Oz is how do you diplomatically say I need a dual citizenship just in case there is a conflict and I need to enter the country on short notice? His excuse, though vague is tapping on a very sensitive topic pertaining to politics and being one of our county’s decision makers makes it decisively worse for Dr. Oz. In hindsight decisions of political figures have always been swimming in murky waters obscured from who is the real beneficiary. It’s always a good thing to narrow down who he may be in bed with, excuse my blunt remark President Trump. I say for the general population take the advice and get a dual citizenship.
People in the US have got some weird preferences when it comes to electing politicians..
Ironically, folks with dual citizenship for the country with the 🔵 star don't get this criticism.
The Dr.Oz thing is a joke. Almost 80% of US Congress is dual citizenship to Israel.
Can you discuss getting a Mexican and/or Brazilian passport?
It could be worse for him- glad it’s not a Trilemma lol 😅
Didn't Dr. Oz support trans kids?