Border Wars: Drug-Smuggling Grandma :
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Border agents stop a nervous grandmother and discover she is attempting to smuggle cocaine.
Drug-Trafficking Granny | National Geographic
National Geographic
I wish these were longer!
Granny's the Boss
This is so sad. 🙁
Does she have plug daughter? 😍
Please Lady, I know you are smarter than that.
I’m not mad at her, she’s poor, this is her hustle to survive and buy basic essentials like toilet paper etc.
So sad, poor lady. I feel bad for her and how this drug pushes take advantage of people.
Love it
Shes not coming out of Jail, mexican cartels sometimes scare them by telling them they are gonna hurt their family, they know old People are easier to scare. The police doesnt do shiet against them. México, USA, every where you go is garbage one way or the other.
That's not the old lady's first rodeo, she's been doing that for living
With granny’s resume, she could be mayor of Portland, Oregon.
I’m curious what happened to her
Not everyone scares of the law , not everyone gunn react the same
And after they seized the package, they resell it to the streets dealers
Mama coco
50 dollar wow
I don't get it, in the beginning they showed a woman wearing pants and a purple shirt.
Respect to the effortlessly bilingual officers
Follow the 10 commandments Christians and ask for forgiveness so you go to heaven
grandma the. plug
Legalize all drugs. Make them worthless. Let natural selection sort the rest.
I wouldve lied and said they threatened to kill my family if I didn't do it.
Granny moving weight
Why??just why??? You guys have problem posting entire videos????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
That's what happened to you and you trying to make easy money instead of honest money
AMEN 💜☂️🎶
Wow. 50$ is nothing for all the drugs they gave her.
What happened to her ?
Grandma loves the Rush makes her feel like she's in her 20s again
She is done probably she going to get 15 years inside
I have to wonder if they've used kids before, a mother walking her daughter over the border to get school supplies and the cartel tapes whatever they can to the kids back, they've probably tried just about anything.
How much time approximately would she be looking at??
Why is everyone capping we all know That coke belonged to grandma 👵. She was going to get wack for weeks!!!
Imagine your about to be let go then your suspicious activity gets you caught 😂 granny’s an amateur..
the epic war on drugs
Grandma just came to the US to buy toilet paper? Wait a min… They don't have toilet paper in mexico???
Lol $50? I'm not risking my neck for $50. We gonna sit there and do the math right before we go anywhere.
Trust no one thats why we need trump
Moment's later…
She was replaced.