Home Immigration Dubai Golden Visa Fraud! Changes Coming Soon…

Dubai Golden Visa Fraud! Changes Coming Soon…

Dubai Golden Visa Fraud! Changes Coming Soon…

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Mentioned in this video: uae golden visa, dubai visa, dubai freezone visa, dubai freezone company, dubai scam, dubai golden visa, dubai real estate, uae real estate, move to dubai, live in dubai, how to move to dubai, living in dubai, dubai uae, dubai banking.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not tax and/or financial advice. Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. I am not a tax professional and/or lawyer and/or accountant so I am not liable for any steps you take to lower your taxes. I’m not a financial advisor nor do I pretend to be. Always do your own research.



  1. Each of those operations that are transferring the title to the new owner pay a tax and fees for accountants and public notary. So something entered into the economy that otherwise would not have entered.

  2. I don't know how the law/rule was written, but it sounds like those 6 investors in your example violated the spirit, rather than the letter, of the law. In other words, a loophole. If it was truly illegal, I'm sure the Emaratis would have charged those that participated in the "fraud." Very simple solution, just tighten the rule and strictly enforce it. They can certainly keep the rule they had as intended, just kill the loophole. The people who are doing the 6 investor scenario are just going to ruin it for everyone else. But this seems like a very simple thing to fix on the Emarati side.

  3. As I am concerned UAE already restricted sale of the propert for 2 years on which golden visa was applied. All they need to do is restrict any transfers, sales, etc, on the property visa applied for certain amount of years.

  4. Get real! If you offer a heaven for cheaters then you will get a flood of them. The secret in life is finding a pace where honest people all pay their tax and then you have a very pleasant environment.

  5. Eso se arregla facil, en varios paises si vendes la propiedad en menos de 3 años pierdes la visa y si quieres volver a postular probablemente no te la den porque ya queda un mal antecedente.

  6. The stricter the better! How much does it cost to get a golden visa by any chance? I worked with IFZA to open my business but now that i'm buying a property I want to look into getting a golden visa.

  7. No they shouldn’t apply any tax rule because UAE makes positive difference that no tax & people are very happy that no tax! NO TAX SHOULD REMAIN, BUT ABOUT GOLDEN VISA THEY CAN DO THAT PERSON SHOULD KEEP PROPERTY AT LEAST 5 YEARS & NOT SELL THAN YOU CAN KEEP GOLDEN VISA OTHERWISE GOLDEN VISA WILL BE CANCELLED!


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