Is Dubai the Best Place in the World for Cryptocurrency? Let’s analyze.
✅ I Wish I Knew This Before Moving to Dubai:
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Who is the Wealthy Expat?
The Wealthy Expat is run by Rafael Cintron, it’s a Youtube channel and company dedicated to helping you lower your taxes, get a second citizenship, and travel the World to increase your freedoms and happiness. Rafael Cintron is a 7-figure entrepreneur who’s traveled to more than 65 countries, gotten multiple residence permits all over the World, and a second citizenship by investment. He is committed and passionate about teaching you these topics.
We have a full team of people living in Dubai, UAE to help you set up residence and a zero tax company in the most upcoming country in the world.
If you want to learn more about Wealthy Expat strategies book a free call with us here:
In this video we talk about cryptocurrency in Dubai and is it the best place in the world for crypto. As a crypto investor myself, I always look at best countries to live in for crypto and which countries are free for crypto. Free of crypto taxes, free of regulation, and problems with cryptocurrency. Many countries are relatively good for crypto like Portugal, Singapore, Malta and Cayman Islands but today we will discuss Dubai and how it compares against other countries for cryptocurrency investors.
Dubai has recently been in the news for allowing companies like Kraken, Blockchain.com, FTX and Binance open exchanges in Dubai with crypto licenses and many more companies are moving to Dubai to grow their crypto businesses. Is Dubai crypto friendly and are the Dubai banks friendly to crypto? Lets discuss.
Mentioned in this video:
tax friendly countries, avoid taxes, pay zero taxes, move to another country, move abroad, move to another city, how to move abroad, lower my taxes, avoid taxes legally, low tax countries, best countries to live, dubai crypto, dubai cryptocurrency, uae crypto, dubai taxes crypto, us crypto taxes, uk crypto taxes, australia crypto taxes, malta crypto, portugal cryptocurrency, dubai crypto company, dubai crypto license, uae crypto license, dubai freezone crypto, crypto trading, crypto news, crypto altcoins, bitcoin, eth merge.
Other related people in this topic:
Nomad capitalist, offshore citizen.
DISCLAIMER: This video is not tax and/or financial advice. Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. I am not a tax professional and/or lawyer and/or accountant so I am not liable for any steps you take to lower your taxes. I’m not a financial advisor nor do I pretend to be. Always do your own research.
How to not pay tax on product sales if you manage to get resident visa and have registered a UK business limited company?
But still under a king in a kingdom
If king got angry the people will be in danger
And their is no place for people to hide
if uae national loses his money on crypto then complains to CID court takes ur assets&cryptos u go to jail by frauds,cheating&embezzlment and deport.no one will help u even ur embassy.becarerfull of locals.
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Getting rich off crypto is much tougher than it seems. I keep losing money while trading with these youtub videos, and finding a trustworthy professional trader to help out with these trades also appears to be nearly impossible. This is extremely annoying 😣
I'm no longer waiting for the EDIL GRANT LOAN because I earn $ 9,036 every 12 days recently.
Crypto is dead 💀
Thanks for the video ! Didn't know about the 15k$ limit if we want to use Crypto to buy Real estate in Dubai, could be great if you make a video about this !
Dubai welcome Russian dirty money
"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." –Ralph Nader
Who the hell cares what the best place for crypto is when the crypto bubble is bursting?
Are there any new cash out limits for banks ?
I< remember when I just got into crypto back in 2017 but later in 2018 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn't understand it. I studied and learned and now I know how it works. Got back into crypto early in 2021 and looks like we have the same mentality, I admit that seeing a -50% hurts but it's not a realized loss until you sell. Now I buy and just trade and I'm super picky who I listen too for crypto analysis..with Carolyn Halles in few weeks, I have made over 22BTC with Carolyn Halles Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.
"The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." –Anonymous
Currently life has been so hard with all the average persons due to the Russian and Ukrainian war their has been so much economic crisis but I believe this is the best time to look up to digital currency investment
< first got into BTC back in 2016 and have been hodling/buying assets at different price points since. I've been through corrections before and will likely experience more over the future. Volatility is simply the price one needs to pay if they want to play. I don't have any Alts as I'm a bit of a BTC Maxi, but that said, if BTC hasn't died before, it surely won't do so now. Stick in there – yes we are all feeling the pain, but over the long run this will just be a blip. This is how I see past corrections when I felt that I got in at a high (back then I think it was less than $1000 and bouncing all over the place!). Now when I look back, all I see is regret for not having the courage in buying more at those times. But if you believe BTC has value, then by all means, buy the dips if you can afford to. For those who got in at 60 or 70K and feeling the crunch: hang in there. BTC is not a get rich quick scheme. Wait it out and you will see: you will come away stronger. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 11` btc with 3.1btc in just 5weeks from day trading with Expert MR. Leon Calvin Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second You can reach Mr. Leon Calvin on ͲeIєɠɾαm @ leoncalvintrade. for any crypto related issues.
New world order wants digital currency
Hey Raf, your video's frame rate has reduced drastically, it almost blurs out motion. Revert your camera settings.
Everyone is an expert when the market pumps… Pay attention to those who can trade when the market goes up,down and sideways .. those are the true legends in crypto trade..
All thanks to Mr Georgewest for helping me and my family, his skills and strategies are just mind blowing. Just as we have a lot of game players he is a game changer 3btc trading with him in just a few months and still counting I just can't believe it
Do we need to show proof of fund… If we want to withdraw crypto to a bank account?
Coinsfera is really closed. They don't reply to any messages.
Having spoken to many banks, you're not even allowed to say the word "crypto" in any context at all. It can't even be your original source of wealth, no matter how old.
Say you made money in crypto 3 years ago, bought a house, sold it and you're all in stocks. Your original source of wealth is still crypto. So you have a choice of either lying and hoping they don't discover it (some banks do) or getting rejected.
And unfrotunatelly it's not just Dubai. This seems to be a common theme once it's large enough numbers. Money today is not really fungable. Your usage right of the money depends strongly on how you made it.
Been living in Dubai since May thanks to discovering your channel. Ok so it feels like it was a billion degrees today, but apart from the oven-like heat it's been the best decision I've ever made. Epic place with something for everyone
This advice of Dubai being the best place and fastest really varies from individual to individual. It depends on the income of the individual and potential ties. France for instance has a really peculiar tax treaty with the UAE.
Can you make a video about health care in UAE?
Crypto is dead bro
Thats the coolest thumbnail I've ever seen in my life
Soon the uk wants to be the leading crypto hub
I live in Dubai and banks are not touching you with a ten-feet pole if your personal bank account (abroad) had any crypto coming in or out when they ask you for some historical statement.
I'm new to trading. How can I make more profitable investment in crypto without incurring much losses?
I have saved $110k up. How can I deploy it to prolific investment? Reading books on investing and as well getting started. Thanks.`;°
I'm no longer waiting for the EDIL GRANT LOAN because I earn $ 26,700 every 10 days recently.
Great video & info.. thanks for your efforts
The Dubai banks are not directly 'crypto-friendly' and this is an issue…. Rafael will confirm that crytpo holders need to 'obfuscate' and 'obscure' fiats deposits in Dubai banks… If you are open and honest with the Dubai banks about Crypto, they are not keen to do business with you…. It is ok if you are doing small transfers from exchanges but when you want to move and manage tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in Dubai, it can be difficult…
I had little to no issue with banks in 3 African countries, and little to no issues with banks in some European countries but Switzerland and Dubai are full of BS… sadly it is off-putting when you are a whale with billions to invest and you want to take advantage of the zero % taxes