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Eating Like A Portuguese for 69 Hours Straight!

Eating Like A Portuguese for 69 Hours Straight!

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porto food tour portuguese food tour food vlog portugal francesinha porto porto food vlog



  1. Hi, I wanted to know if you would look at a Itinerary for Portugal that we had Sagres work up for us. We are happy with Sagres, just looking for more info. I can send you a link if you can let me know where Thank You.J

  2. LOL WHAT sandes de pernil from Casa Guedes are not bifanas!! And please don’t put mustard on it.
    Bifanas from Porto are a different kind of sandwich, you can find a good one in Porto at Conga

  3. Comer como um Português 🇵🇹 é comer comida tradicional Portuguesa e isso não é comida tradicional Portuguesa.O Português têm a melhor comida caseira do Mundo,bom vinho🍷 e boa cerveja 🍻

  4. Hey guys, don't say you cannot find any more "Francesinhas" anywhere unless Porto, they are original from there but, in this moment, you can't find better ones than in the city of Braga, 50km north of Porto.. Enjoy the "Tuga"!

  5. I had my first francesinha in Braga last month and it was epic. I've been told the main difference between the francesinha in Braga and Porto is the sauce and I cannot wait to visit Porto to give it a try. This was a great video. I used to watch your videos awhile ago and your recent style has me interested again and I will be following. Thanks for your hard work.

  6. Everybody here in Porto says Santiago, well that's an enormous BS. best ones are made in wood oven, in a clay dish. Santiago is overrated and mainstream. You can get the wood oven ones in Gaia, D. Amelia, Tapas, and others. Total recommend the D. Amelia.

  7. Sandes de Pernil is not Porto's bifana. Bifana is bifana all over Portugal, and sandes de pernil is another thing. They use different parts of pork, and are cooked differently, bifana is spicier. You should have tried Conga, some of the best bifanas in the country, and you won't need mustard for that one

  8. Hey, you went right by our house and didn't say anything… next time message me and I will be sure to take you on the most relaxed and none yellow tour along the Valadares Beaches =) *BTW, we used your code to download Opera, thanx


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