Home Real Estate Eleonor of Habsburg – A Queen for France

Eleonor of Habsburg – A Queen for France

Eleonor of Habsburg – A Queen for France

Eleonor of Habsburg was the prototype of the ideal renaissance princess, born and raised to serve her family in any given situation, even if that went against her personal desires.

From a young age, she was considered by her relatives as a valuable asset to the Habsburg dynasty and throughout her life she always behaved as a devoted and obedient daughter, sister and wife, with great pride and without any complains.

Many times in her life time, Eleonor was forced to do as she was told, sometimes making huge personal sacrifices. But, beyond being just a piece in the pollical chest game, Eleonor was also a Queen, twice, and a refined and educated woman, who had a knowledge of Europe much deeper than other royal women of her time.

From Flanders, where Eleonor was born and raised, to the Iberian Peninsula that she discovered in her youth and retired in her old age, and France, where Eleonor was queen for 17 years, surrounded by a court where she was seen as the sister of the enemy.

So, on this video, I’m going to try to find how did Eleonor become queen of France, as well as the personal dream she cherished throughout her reign there.

#eleonorofaustria #habsburgdynasty #renaissance


– Buesco, Ana Isabel (2008). D. João III. Temas e Debates: Lisboa.
– dos Guimarães Sá, Isabel; Comblet, Michel (2012). Rainhas consortes de D. Manuel I – Isabel de Castela, Maria de Castela, Leonor de Áustria. Círculo de Leitores: Lisboa.


Into The Past 2021.



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