Home Real Estate EP 53 Orca interview special HD 1080p

EP 53 Orca interview special HD 1080p

EP 53 Orca interview special   HD 1080p

#OrcaInteraction #OrcaAlgarveCoast #Orca&Sailboats #OrcaAttackSailboats #ResearcherInterview #ResearcherAndSailorDiscussOrcaInteractions

00:01 Introduktion to episode and the channel
01:12 Interview start and Alicia introduce herself
01:22 Sorry we have 20 seconds off ecco sound while talk about AIMM
01:42 We start to talk about the orca in my previous short video who was she?
02:00 General information about the Iberian Orca population and compared with other Killer whales
08:47 Orca interaction hotspot map
09:56 Known migration pattern
17:06 How do Orcas live?
19:33 More facts about the Orca named Corsica and her calf
23:22 How endangered are the Iberian Orca?
24:24 What are the drivers for the state of the orcas?
29:52 Are Orcas or Killer whales dolphins?
31:08 How intelligent are they?
31:50 Orca – sailboat interactions theories of why did it start?
34:00 Can orcas recognize different types of boats? and what are their mental capabilities?
41:50 What can researchers and sailors do?
43:18 Does Pingers work? and what are the downsides?
47:50 Our advice if orcas starts to interact with the boat
48:24 Suggestion of how to aid and reduce the problem with shared responsibility sailors, researchers and authorities
50:00 Is it possible to teach orcas to avoid boats?
53:14 Does hugging the coast help?
55:47 Where is the danger zone?
1:02:00 What are the main impact that sailors have on marine life?
1:07:54 Sailing and Seaturtles
1:08:21 More information about AIMM
1:13:09 Final words fro Gitte Thank you for watching

In this special episode we meet Alica who works as a researcher on AIMM which is an independent research organisation specialized in Marinelife on the Algarvecoast. We learn more about orcas and discuss the orca sailboat interactions, what does science know and don’t know and we discuss some of the common theories regarding the behavior and mitigations.

In the next episode will we go back to our normal format for videos and we start sailing again.

We are a middle aged couple that has left our hectic business lives to go sailing with our boat Fridá af Wisby and our cat Litza. Our goal is not to go to a specific place but to reach a state of mind where we can really enjoy life.

Anders has been at the sea most of his life and sailed for the Swedish national dingy sailing team as a young man. Gitte has also grown up with boat and spent every summer sailing with her father as a teenager but made a pause of about 15 years without sailing as an adult, had just begun to pick-up the interest before she meet Anders a 4 years ago. Onboard we also have our cat Litza a 3 year old Devon Rex we call her the cattain because cats always decide over their humans.

Litza is a Devon Rex cat and she is the real cattain aboard.

Fridá af Wisby is a Wauquiez 47 pilot saloon that we Gitte and Anders bought in UK in 2019 and that we have sailed to Gotland and in season 1 2020 we sail in the Baltic Sea.




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