Home Resorts Epic LISBON Food Tour (BEST Restaurants & Portuguese Dishes)

Epic LISBON Food Tour (BEST Restaurants & Portuguese Dishes)

Epic LISBON Food Tour (BEST Restaurants & Portuguese Dishes)

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In this video we go on an EPIC food tour around Lisbon, which is perhaps the most beautiful city in Europe. One of the most common mistakes tourists make when they visit Lisbon to not exploring the great food of the Portuguese kitchen. There are so many great restaurants and Portuguese dishes that you have to try, but how? How do you find the best restaurants and where do you even start when it comes to trying the many varieties of soul food that makes the body, mind and soul happy?

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  1. Eu fico mas é espantada 😳! Como é que vocês fazem este milagre?.. 😇 A comerem desta maneira e continuarem tão elegantes?…😃Têm que dizer qual o truque…😂💚💚💚

  2. Hi…. this might be an odd question, but do you notice if any establishments accept 'bitcoin'? I ask because it was announced today at the Bitcoin conference in Miami (Miguel Albuquerque announced this) that bitcoin will be incorporated somehow into the Island's financial structure. Apparently it will be able to be used for purchases and it won't be taxed. Honestly the announcement was confusing, but I am curious if you have seen any Bitcoin signage at Cafés, etc… that bitcoin is accepted. Thanks, best!

  3. Wow thanks for this amazing video. I’m taking notes for my coming visit to Lisboa. What you have reported sounds better than both London and Paris. I’ll soon see. Amazing. Thanks for sharing

  4. Portuguese food is cocktail, of many influences of around to the world! Good food they are welcome any time of the day! And any time in any part of the world! Bye thanks for your videos tchau bambino.(@@@@@)

  5. Olá Classy Vlog I like your videos they are very nice and funny! About Portuguese food they are wonderful but no buddy know, many people gust thank Portuguese food is fish. They don’t know about meet plates and they are soon many. Maybe we are to blame because same don’t know ao good they are! I’m from the Aveiro city of bacalhau, Vlog you are from the land of bacalhau, ( cod:) cod are in your blood Viking!. And you start to liking

  6. I always love when you mention alheira , because it´s from my hometown Mirandela 😀
    I now live in Nazaré , which is a beautiful and famous town now for its giant waves, but I still praise and I´m proud of where I come from ❤

  7. When I speak to people I describe Portuguese food as "honest". Really good ingredients, and no fuss. First time I had whole sea bass it came with cabbage and boiled potatoes, wonderful! Polvo alagreiro with punched potatoes, posta mirandesa with a salad, in the Tras is Montes, bachalau with anything, and once a memorable sardinha a grelado with a fantastic vinho verde in the Minho, ah yes the wines. Try the quiejos, especially the ones made with sheeps milk.

  8. No one can afford to travel anymore, better stay put and stock up your food supply!
    Very soon a loaf of bread will cost a day's wages (see Revelation 6:6)! We are living in

    the E N D times, the 7year Tribulation with the Antichrist is right around the corner – GOD'S judgement upon all unbelievers! But there is hope – get saved and be rapture ready: accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior today!!!

    Please study biblical end times prophecy; listen to Dr. Ron Rhodes on end times


  9. Great video, as always!

    Just a FYI cozido à portuguesa is different in each part of the country (for example, where I live we don't have rice, beans, and chickpeas in the cozido and we cook everything together in the same pot).

    It'd be so cool if you guys tried cozido in different part of Portugal and did like a compilation/ranking video 🙂

  10. Pena que ambos se foram do Brasil sem conhecerem praticamente nada, mas já que apreciam tanto a arquitetura portuguesa, sugiro-vos um vídeo intitulado "10 LINDAS CIDADES PORTUGUESAS NO BRASIL", do canal "BRASIL URBANO", é surpreendente.

  11. You two are danes living the portuguese dream. I'd say you now behave, act and ARE full portuguese. Amazing how you not only adapted but took to be so much of what makes a portuguese a portuguese. Amazing!


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