Ukrainian families are taking enormous risks to try to flee Mariupol, traveling through Russian checkpoints — and in some cases land mines — to try to get to safety.
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Che l uomo capisca che qui siamo solo passaggio facciamo tutto perché l umanità capisca che a sua inmagine
Destroyed in one month lifes homes familys everything this was worse than Afghanistan war in 20years 😑
omg :,-((
The madness of the Russian conquerors to wear American uniforms, from loot, to take photos, to walk like male peacocks, This is the Russian who wanted a war and to steal the Ukraine that belongs to Europe. This is a time for a counterattack inside the Russian country, to destroy oil depots, airports, roads to anger the Russians and to oust the fascist Putin.
American who lived 8 years in Ukraine speaks out on Russian war
V r in this century..never realised love of the kith and kin of the family..let's pray for them now..pls avoid any war or killing people, destroying the building of the country..pls..live Harmony of the people and state
Another actor. How much did they get paid? The production has long been said about the maternity hospital. Hollywood is resting. And no one really cries. Just disgusting people, mocking their own.
I don't blame war, it's the basis of our own starting to achieve goals. I don't support Russia or Ukraine but why now America's war always brings down Russia, whether it has killed Ukrainian citizens, to the point of voicing to impose sanctions, see Israel, the Palestinian war on silent news, see Iran's war against its own country is assisted by the enemy, look again at Afghanistan's war against its own citizens, the Taliban, look again at the suffering of others. Now there is no need for the United Nations, which has the unity of the nations of the world.
Putyin is a murder!!!!
I feel you hug them all pl God help them and stop the war 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭
Я русский, хочу оставить комментарий, чтобы видео распространилось, но слов нет…
My heart is broken!
God bless Ukraine stay strong call out on God call out and wait He will come
What has happened to the little girl with a broken leg?
CIA Stenographers say WHAT?? NYTs best fascist corporate propaganda that CIA money can buy
Outrageous! So much blood on their evil barbaric hands under criminal/murderous, pathological lying, greedy for more power, despot Fascist dictator Vlad, the Terrible Putin erroneously called a "president"! Presidents are leaders of democracies, NOT dictatorships!! Part of my family is Ukrainian/Russian on my husband's side and this is nothing new! This has been going on ever since the Czar and his raids on "Shtetles" per his evil Cossacks who invaded Ukraine when it was part of Russia in the late 19th century, early 1900s! His paternal grandmother was born in Kyiv/Kiev in 1895 and had to flee Russia landing at Ellis Island when she was 13. And Fascist dictator Hitler also invaded Russian and Ukraine during WW2 in the 1940s!And that monster Putin and the Kremlin says this is all staged! BS Russian propaganda that so many buy into! smdh Pray for the good people of Ukraine, an independent sovereign democratic nation since 1991! "Glory to Ukraine"! Sending strength, courage, healing and victory! Light and love~ <3 <3
Romans 10.13. whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. Jesus is lord.
Ukrainians will never forget this. thousands of years of hatred began
Lately I have almost felt guilty for living in a country where I can live peacefully and go to school. Seeing these images, knowing that there is war in Ukraine, famine in Afghanistan and soon north Africa, and I can't do anything about it.
On this channel you can find out the whоle truth about the war
Ukraine is the only country in the World which building it's national identity on ethnics cleansing and genocide. Also only one country with "heroes" like Stephan Bandera or collaborators of SS Galizien. Volhynia ethnics cleansing or Odessa massacre are "proud and important" parts of Ukrainian "independence" :))) Murdering kids old people and pregnant women? Yes that it's – if you think that this is propaganda then do some basic homework because this is just repulsive. What about bombing pro-russian cities since 2014? I'm Polish myself but that is very prymitive propaganda on your side.
Почему власти не эвакуировали людей
Говорите точно кто стрелял и как произошло недоговариваете в других комментариях точно говорят кто из сторон стрелял
Good reporting! Only emotions! Not a single fact. Applause!
One little evidence of mines in the city… Placed by brave defenders… Must be cut out.⚠⛔⚠
If anyone is looking for videos to watch from a journalist on the ground at Mariupol, I highly recommend to search for "Patrick Lancaster" on youtube.
The Russian army left the city of Bucha on the thirtieth day. But the Ukrainian army shelled the city with artillery for another three days before they stopped dribbling in front of the Russian army and entered the city. And when they entered, they began to shoot everyone who had the food ration of a Russian soldier, which the Russian army distributed to hungry people as humanitarian aid.
Putin will be never forgiven for generations like Hilter. May they feel the force of the Lord x
Why was there no mention of Russian soldiers saving and evacuating all these poor citizens of Mariupol while gloriuos Ukranian army is shelling and bombing them?? Inconvenient truth perhaps?
i am from this city
i dont have house anymore
dont have city
i wanna cry.
Putin was left intentionally by US to becam a criminal .We are lead by the criminals leaders. The people with balls and courage must get attitude.
All my heart and support for the Ukrainian people. All my heart with them . 💙💙💛💛
😪 This's heart breaking. war crimes after war crimes, NATO needs to get more involve… putin and his military have to be stop… Ukraine airspace have to be close.. Ukrainian needs NATO and the whole world protection…
Putin and his ilk must suffer for what they have done. It is beyond outrageous. 💔😡