Home Immigration ESCAPE THE USA HEALTHCARE SCAM! (like we did)



Despite having the MOST EXPENSIVE healthcare system in the world, the quality of healthcare in the United States is just AVERAGE compared to most other countries.

In fact, the main reason we HAD TO LEAVE the United States and can never move back is because we can’t afford health insurance or healthcare.

Following two major spinal surgeries, my health insurance tripled and we could no longer afford it. If I ever need another surgery, we would have gone bankrupt if we had stayed in the USA.

Now we live in Ecuador, which has a higher rated healthcare system than the United States, for a fraction of the cost. But Ecuador isn’t the only place to escape the healthcare scam that bankrupts more than 500,000 Americans every year!

In this video, we feature 10 countries with better healthcare that costs 3 to 10 times LESS than the United States. You can visit as a medical tourist or you can move to these countries and become an official expat.

Here are links to the references mentioned in the video:
CEO World Healthcare Rankings (2021):
Allianz Care Global Health Insurance:
Cigna Global Health Insurance:
GeoBlue Global Health Insurance:
Bupa Global Health Insurance:
The French Social Security System – PUMA:
France Medical Tourism:
Spain Medical Tourism:
Czech Republic Medical Tourism:
Czech Republic Medical Spa:
Czech Republic Health Insurance:
South Korea Medical Tourism:
Thailand Medical Tourism:
Malaysia Medical Tourism:
Argentina Medical Tourism:
Mexico Medical Tourism:
Ecuador Health Insurance & Healthcare:
Ecuador Dental Tourism (Cuenca):
Medical Tourism Country Index:

Our AMAZING Unconventional Supporters:
Maité Duran
Gail H.
Joe Stratton
Jose and Alexandra Rivera
Leif Brogren
Maureen Kelly
Jennifer Hughes
Deborah Linton
Susan & Rick Joyce
Trevor McGuire
Bliss Mitton
Leigh and Carlos

Join Our Community of Unconventionals:

#ameliaandjp #ecuador #expats



  1. According to the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are not allowed to charge more for pre-existing conditions, but that was not my experience. As a self-employed person, I had a marketplace plan for 4 years prior to my spinal surgeries. Each year, the plans expired at the end of December and I had to re-enroll each December during open enrollment for a new plan to start in January. Each year, my monthly cost roughly doubled from one plan to the next. During the year of my spinal surgeries, I was paying around $400/month, which was a challenge to cover. At open enrollment that December, my rate jumped to $1200/month for a higher deductible plan, which I simply couldn't afford. It's hard to imagine a reason for the drastic jump if they didn't take my pre-existing condition into account. I opted to go on Amelia's company plan, which had a $12K deductible and a 40% copay after that. Then we started making plans to leave the US.

  2. I mean they charge for sodium chloride water solution 500-700$ in the US which costs maybe 5-7 to make sterilized water with salt! Its madness. What I do not understand is the health insurances they could make more money if they opened their own hospitals, out their own doctors in and charge just what is necessary….its totally out of control!!!

  3. I had my c section at the IESS my husband just had to buy the surgical thread which cost $35 that's it. My biggest complaint is that I was bored, we didn't have any wifi or tv for the entire 4 days I spent there.

  4. SENIOR CITIZENS are being SCAMMED in the USA… I had to pay 6,000 for a pair of hearing aids for my dad… all the money he was meant to pass down to his kids after working ALL HIS LIFE has been sucked out of his bank account by the GREEDY healthcare system of America! So MANY POOR PEOPLE IN AMERICA because of the TERRIBLE WEALTHCARE SYSTEM… They care about wealth… not your HEALTH!

  5. health care is in the hands of ins. companies and business people. my hmo almost killed me by delaying treatment on ulcerative colitis, nearly bled to death, my doctor saw pre cancer in colonoscopy, he said if its cancer, its probably a slow growing cancer, this was July 2012, in jan 2013 had colon surgery, they found stage 3 cancer –it was almost ready to spread in my body, chemo and surgery worked and I lived, lucky me, the doctor who gave me the slow growing diagnosis, came to my hospital room the day after the surgery and said –where did this come from, how did it happen–I used him for 20 yrs, board certified, etc. he made a mistake and never admitted it,

    be careful, doctors can make errors – tumor in me was four inches long and one inch wide, had 2 surgeries later , wearing an ostomy bag is not fun, the supplies cost about a grand a yr.

  6. just went to Houston Methodist hospital ER today for horrible abdominal pain, age 66, had CT scan, they found a kidney stone, and bowel blockage, took five hours , have Medicare and Aetna plans, have no idea what my final bill will be, copays really eat you, ER was crowded, dirty, and needs huge overhaul, this is ranked as a top hospital no less

  7. Life expectancy is the ultimate judge of a national healthcare system. The USA ranks lowest in life expectancy among all developed nations, well behind nations in which no one loses their home because of medical bills.

    Ecuador is a developing nation that trails America in every economic metric. One-third of Ecuadorans live in poverty. Forty percent of the workforce is off the books. There are no interstates in Ecuador, in fact, the average road speed between the cities is 30 mph.

    Ecuador's healthcare costs about one-tenth of America's on a comparable basis. So how does Ecuador rank in life expectancy? Tied with America. The most expensive healthcare in the world produces results no better than Ecuador's.

    American healthcare enriches doctors and corporations at the expense of the middleclass. It's cruel and extortionist. Life expectancy in even America's wealthiest counties trails behind many European averages. I don't know yet where I'm retiring. The only country that's definitely not on my list is America.

  8. I've read most of the comments and the U.S. system must be a complete horror show. However, having been here for 65 years I have never had a single problem, never had to wait for healthcare, and always had great drs. Maybe it's because I've been covered for the most part by a company plan, but I have to wonder why the immigration rate is about a million to one coming into this awful country. Wouldn't it be nice if you went to the border and told the people to go back home because it's so much better there. I am not wealthy and my experience is similiar to the people I know.

  9. So is better to pay a little more taxes and have everything free here in Canada
    I remember when health cards had no pictures an thousands of Americans come to Canada to use Canadian healthcare

  10. Wow!! I am Ecuadorian and I been holding on at work because of the health insurance. I would have to look into the private health insurance over there and retire from USA. Thank you so much for the informacion provided.

  11. Thank you Amelia & JP, for being so transparent. You're 100% correct in referring to the United States Healthcare Industry as a SCAM. It's become one of several reasons I feel the U.S. is becoming a third world player in healthcare, as it is directly responsible for destroying untold lives, from the inhumane standpoint of being profit driven. To think as a private citizen, you're forced to obtain a ridiculously expensive "middleman entity" that may or may not allow you permission for a particular treatment – is PATENTLY INSANE. God bless you both.

  12. Great informational videos, as always. Question… your top to bottom ranking of the countries didn’t match that of CEO magazine, what criteria did you use to come up with your lost?

  13. Very happy for you guys to have found your new home!

    Does it ever get weird over there though – it seems like there is a lot of indigenous nationalism or is it not that bad?

  14. You did an impressive amount of research. The US system of employer-based health insurance is insane. American viewers of your video should be aware that, whatever else they think of US politics, most Republican office-holders are usually against improving the health insurance system.

  15. Here's an example of the scam: My American friend had an accident while skiing in Germany. The ambulance had to come and take him to the hospital where he stayed for two nights in a private room. My friend had no insurance in Germany so he had to pay for everything out of pocket. The total cost was about 500 Euro = $500. Yes, American friends, you read that correctly.

  16. Thank you for this video. If I could drive to Ecuador, it would be my first choice, too. I looked at the CEO World chart. Mexico is #29, US #30 overall. Cost is not that much less (ranks 60.99 vs 65.52). I'm heading that way in a few months, but haven't done a deep dive into what health insurance will cost me as a 66 year old. My Medicare is about $2500/year total out of pocket, no exclusions so far.

    I can relate to your back issues, JP. Hoping to never get that severe and that you're staying upright and pain free.

  17. U dont have to go so far. Just across the border Mexico…especially in t hff e south of the country like Oaxaca state Veracruz very great food beaches life style and merida Tabasco chiapas states


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