The dude in the middle is almost as ugly as the drawings the portuguese squad drew yesterday… To be honest i take the comments of espn pundits with a pinch of salt… Its all about clicks, selling papers… He has been carrying this channel for years… They are scooping while they can cause when he retires this show will have nothing to talk about.
Whos this idiot in the middle?
And they say Ronaldo has a huge ego ! At least he walked the talk for 20 years not like these wanna bees!
He's aids
The dude in the middle is almost as ugly as the drawings the portuguese squad drew yesterday… To be honest i take the comments of espn pundits with a pinch of salt… Its all about clicks, selling papers… He has been carrying this channel for years… They are scooping while they can cause when he retires this show will have nothing to talk about.
God this obsession with Ronaldo is insane 😭
It's the media not ronaldo
You fucking commentators are retarded man, wish you could see these messages.
So stupid, as always if the media didn’t keep talking about it it wouldn’t effect the players and the players don’t care.