Why does he keep doing this? Ethan Ralph who challenged me to a fight was apparently whopped again in Portugal, totally FELTED. Ass beat. Sad!
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#EthanRalph #Lolcow #Portugal #COG #Felted
Why does he keep doing this? Ethan Ralph who challenged me to a fight was apparently whopped again in Portugal, totally FELTED. Ass beat. Sad!
Link to vid:
#EthanRalph #Lolcow #Portugal #COG #Felted
Every American tourist in Europe looks and dresses like that.
Person working the camera sucks
I took a screenshot of him getting punched. One of the funniest pictures I’ve ever taken
Talking shit behind a body guard, LOL, I forgot Cog exists welcome back, that 20 seconds of fame worth the jail time?
You have a beautiful forehead…i shall name it lancealot
His new baby mama must be so proud of her man.
Man knows how to take a beating
If any of you got jumped in the street you would scream for police to help you, and you would wring as much victimhood points as possible out of it. Shameful cowards, those who support this deserve the same.
Real men would have stayed at home with their newborn.
It's Lisbon Portugal. Aren't there, like, buildings from the 1400s you can go look at and hang out in? Why would someone go there just to buy a purse and fuck around getting into scraps with people on street corners?
those knee socks are a crime and what's up with the purse/fanny pack. He sure dresses like a tourist and stands out like a sore thumb.
The loose gunt lmao
Only Ralph could make walking downhill look tiring.
I love this channel. I found Radix thru legal mindset and shes become my favorite so fast
Those brits don't fuck around lol
Absolutely awful camera work
I never have heard a guy before sizing someone up OUTLOUD before lol. “He’s 5’4”. He’s about 5’5”. He’s shorter than my mate.” Hah.
Madame, I am always delighted to see female creators express their opinion on #PuntTheGunt – Have a like and my sincerest regards, you sound and look like a smart, justice-driven person~
Guntus Interruptus
I love how you started roasting his socks lol
This video made me sub to your channel.
Crazy I've been following this for years just keeps getting better. Please Ethan do not ever stop streaming.
What is this a remake of my Bodyguard ?
Why did this guy need to bring a guy to beat up this guy ? What grown man needs another man to beat up a guy on the internet ? What a punk move.
ralph constantly antagonizing everybody over the net but cant fight for his life irl. he looks like a cartoon round body with skinny legs.
This shit's fucked, let him fuck up on his own please.
5:27 You can clearly see the brass knuckles…..as well as the six other armed dudes it took to fell this fearsome adonis.
"CALL THE POLICE!"-The badass with a front butt who easily dispatched Metokur's assassins
P.S. Auto subbed.
Ralph really needs to lose weight and learn how to protect himself. Getting felted by another obese man in public while funny is also gravely embarrassing.
Why do people follow Ethan Ralph around? If you don’t like him that’s fine but why do people follow him around and track him what’s their obsession with him? And why were there 2 guys?
If Biden were to issue an apology to Portugal for Ralph being born, his approval rating would increase over night.
😅 Oof 😅
I disavow what happened here it's no way to act. As an english lad there is a thing in our culture called 'asking for it' and it's when you provoke a 'yob' by following them after they hit to the ground. Apes gunna ape i guess
That dude coulda rly fucked Ralph up if he wanted, he was just sitting there cross legged and winded.
Saw you over on Legal Mindset. Didn’t know you dabbled in the shitposting universe. Subbed.
o /
Ralph is a modern day carnival sideshow — bragging about the money he makes while people throw peanuts at him.