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I'm a left-winger so I have no dog in this fight as this is certainly not a friendly sphere towards me. But, this goes WAAAY over the free-speech line set by Brandenburg Vs Ohio: this is not only INCITEMENT to violence, it IS violence, and now they're CELEBRATING that violence on new streams. Both channels (Dakka Dakka and Backward Internet) should be struck down for leaping over the rational freedom of speech line. These two videos can be posted in the complaint to evidence the case against them:
Wrote this in mky bizs comments as well.
It just hit me, it actually was JoJo.
Part 1: Ralph and Cog square off until one gets punched then it’s on
Part 2: Cog uses his stand Dan to attack Ralph on the street.
Part 3: Ralph down but not out uses his stand, random Portuguese woman, to stop the fight.
Hell even street fighter they did do character select, round 1 cog v ralph, round 2 cog changes character to Dan v ralph, round 3 ralph changes character to woman v Dan.
If anyone can think of good jojo names for Dan and the woman let me know
What was the “Th3ves” person saying in chat that made you guys wipe everything they wrote?
It trips me out that the guy in the blue blazer totally looks like Nick Fuentes (even the sunglasses), just a bit older. Ironic af.
The Pippa video isn’t on her channel. Did she take it down, or was Ethan Ralph behind that? I do see a mirror of it though, so I’m leaning on Pippa choosing to take it down herself (or else would get that mirror pulled too).
Love the commentary. Love the avatar . you have a new sub 4 life much love from down under
Why does everyone who exaggerates fights they get into always add in "brass knuckles"? They are lethal if used and are not like in the movies.
Cawwwwwg did nothing wrong
you're like mister metokur, except not funny
Guntguard in the call was such a pretentious jackass
Bunny Vtubers are too powerfull. Soon Pippin will have her own war crimes list. NEED TO EXPAND IT.
Ralph is a confirmed Pea Doh, why do people defend him?
Gator zzzzzz, Adyin zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Flameco zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Stream blows.
Hi flamenco
Love your YouTube channel
I watch you every chance I get love your avatar that you put up
From the hamster to the cute puppy with the hat on the side to the pig that I’m guessing is Ralph lol
Love it keep up the great work are you on podcasts also let me no
Your plan Leslie
Axle won
LOL the gunt-butt
Ralph cannot cut out all the BS. You would stop covering him, but so would everyone else. Ralphs only means of income at this point is being a lolcow.
OK I don't think you can say Ralph 100% started the fight, (Not that I care) when Cog literally grabbed a bodyguard and went there solely to hunt ralph down and beat him up. The fight was started when Cog left his house to go hunt him down. Don't get me wrong it's funny, but this is literally the end Cog planed. I mean he didn't walk right up to him yet, but he was following him to do that.
Why are they letting this woman dominate the conversation, I wouldn't mind if she had anything to offer. Insufferable droning.
Man I knew nothing about Ethan and now he's as stupid as DSP, hahahaha another person down the rabbit hole!
In USA Cog's friend is liable for going in on fight #2. Both would get charged, Ralph would get charged for at least two of the fights, I believe three because he started #4 when it was just him and Cog's friend. He would get the brunt of the penalties, He would be 100% owned in court, and would definitely go broke.
So Ralph gets beat up…..to get a W in the face of all the L's he going to start a fight with a cancer patient? What a Chad
Let's be real, Ralph 100% won that fight. Did you see how he gave 2 middle fingers. WHAT A CHAMP!
Ralph is going after Jim because a cancer stricken old man is the only one that he might be able to fight.
Ralph squared up, he got what he asked for
Aydin mentions getting dildos sent to her after her dox and Flam is quick to mention that he needs a P.O. box so people can send him "weird stuff". Flam, bro, you a sussy bitch lol
They are bullies that beat up the fat kid.
Bow-tie Soy really wants to apply to being second in command for gunt-guarding.
The dude who came on was just utterly obnoxious. Screaming loudly, overtalking, nasally annoying voice. Dear god, who follows this loser?
Paparazzi isn’t illegal. He is a public figure.