Home Immigration EU4 1.33 Milan Guide – THIS IS How You Become A Pro EU4 Player

EU4 1.33 Milan Guide – THIS IS How You Become A Pro EU4 Player

EU4 1.33 Milan Guide – THIS IS How You Become A Pro EU4 Player

An EU4 Guide for the nation of Milan where we show how great Milan is at playing tall and how ridiculously rich it can get with just the italian lands

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Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy games published by Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive.

The following DLC is used in this series:

Eu4 Origins leviathan Emperor DLC, Dharma, Rule Britannia, Cradle of Civilization, Third Rome, Mandate of Heaven, Rights of Man, Mare Nostrum, The Cossacks, Common Sense, El Dorado, Art of War, Res Publica, Wealth of Nations, and Conquest of Paradise.

#eu4 #eu4italy #eu4milan #eu4guide



  1. CK3 is fun but its too similar and yet too simple compared to EU4 to really stick with me. I think if they work to make relationships more permanent, less rng and more relevant it would help a lot.

  2. Ludi do you think it’s a good idea for brand new players to play on easy, my friend is two hours into EU4 and wants to stop because of the learning curve, is it worth it for him to play on easy so he can learn the game without “difficult” mechanics like corruption, higher AE, and lots of rebels? Or is it too easy to the point that you won’t learn anything and will still be bad when you go to normal?


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