Home Real Estate Europe Graffiti Trip 3 Highway Billboard

Europe Graffiti Trip 3 Highway Billboard

Europe Graffiti Trip 3 Highway Billboard

Full process of solo mission painting an entire highway outdoor during the night in Lisbon, writing RESK12 with chrome and colors.


This channel doesn’t tolerate or promote any illegal activity, including the transfer and degradation of private or public property. This channel doesn’t incite his public to violate the law. The videos, photos, and details of these audiovisuals have been sent to us anonymously and unselfishly of the end. This video will be used only to document these acts.



  1. Hey resk I have been watching your stuff for a bit now and you are one that I shall keep watching I love the stuff you do also any recommendations for caps I should use for throw ups.

  2. mano resk salve! de volta a europaa, ver seus videos me da uma motivação e vontade de querer fazer isso também, todo dia vejo um video seu, antigo, novo sempre vendo suas tags, boms e trow ups mano satisfação abraço do Porto PT ❤️


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