Home Real Estate Eviction Moratorium EXTENDED. Rental Rates SURGE.

Eviction Moratorium EXTENDED. Rental Rates SURGE.

Eviction Moratorium EXTENDED. Rental Rates SURGE.

The Federal Eviction Moratorium was just extended AGAIN through October 3rd. Just as the cost of rent across America is surging. Is the Eviction Moratorium making the Housing Crisis worse? This video will use data to explain how the Eviction Moratorium is increasing YOUR RENT and destroying the US Housing Market.

Rental rates across America have surged over the past four months. According to Zillow, the typical rent paid by an American household increased by record levels from February to June 2021. These record increases are creating a Housing Crisis and stretching the ability of Americans to afford housing.

Why has rent increase so much? One reason is due to the Government Eviction Moratorium. Landlords are not allowed to evict tenants who have not paid rent, or to pursue those tenants for back rent. As a result, these landlords are increasing the rent on everyone else in order to make back the money.

The Eviction Moratorium is also creating a housing shortage, artificially increasing household formation across the US in 2020. The result is too much demand for real estate and not enough supply. Housing Starts are up, but not fast enough to account for the artificial increase in renter demand.

While the government claims they are protecting households from the pandemic as well as economic insecurity, one has to wonder: can’t these households protect themselves? 70% of US adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while job openings are at a record 9.2 million according to the BLS.

Tenants who aren’t paying rent have every opportunity to protect themselves. But instead of the government letting that happen, they are holding the housing market hostage with the continued extensions of the eviction moratorium.

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0:00 Eviction Moratorium Disaster
1:31 Rent is Surging!
2:55 Supply v. Demand Situation
4:28 RECORD Household Formation
6:22 Eviction Moratorium is to Blame
8:31 Housing Supply Not Keeping Up
9:52 Real Costs to Society
12:07 9.2 Million Job Openings
14:04 One Final Point
16:18 Housing Market Crash

#EvictionMoratorium #HousingCrisis #Evictions



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