Home Immigration Expert Explains How and When Portugal Could Tax Crypto

Expert Explains How and When Portugal Could Tax Crypto

Expert Explains How and When Portugal Could Tax Crypto

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Video Suggestions for Beginners to Crypto:
– When did Crypto Start?: youtu.be/rd5gv6X70ew
– Why Bitcoin?: youtu.be/GVwWwWUj3NU
– 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Cryptos:
– If Your Hardware Wallet is Lost or Stolen: youtu.be/KTIDY7kYSIQ
– Complete Guide to Ledger Nano X: youtu.be/PC60Ju_iMQE
– Proper Introduction to Crypto Exchanges: youtube.com/watch?v=91f-QNSmzrA
– 3 Things You Should Never Do on a Crypto Exchange: youtu.be/pgZP-voLGpE
– 5 Things Crypto Exchanges Don’t Want You to Know: youtu.be/_VcdEovm8u8
– My Recommendations for Centralized Exchanges: youtu.be/kCYj2tdYufE
– My Recommendations for Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): youtu.be/AMsp3knAfBs
– Calling Out Fake DEXs: youtu.be/h_cZyGqjKrs
– Why is DeFi the Hottest Topic in Crypto?: youtu.be/mqdD_2rX4-0
– Without This, Crypto Won’t Survive: youtu.be/Jg-zk_Nhpq0
– How To Use the Most Popular Privacy Coins: youtu.be/WLckSKzFpE8




  1. Uau, eu realmente amo seu conteúdo muito bom de sua parte. Nos últimos anos, tenho ouvido falar sobre criptomoedas, mas nunca tive interesse nisso, mas agora acho que 💭 seria melhor para mim agora, por favor, qual é a melhor maneira de ganhar dinheiro com negociação de criptomoedas..

  2. Portugal needs a crypto lobby group to Represent HODLers interest. Similar to CoinCentre lobby group in the USA. Otherwise other lobby group will outspend and pass hostile legislation.

  3. Thank you Heidi and Maria. Can you suggest a "ball park" estimate of how much $$$$ one needs to have before making a move to Portugal and planning to stay long term? How about income?…..Any suggestions? Is vaccination required to get a residence permit?

  4. Stop posting videos with the Potuguese flag, the country is like a shit coin that everybody wants to FOMO in because of "influencers" like you! it is already crowerd getting more and more expensive, and yes, YOU will be pay taxes for crypto sooner than later in Portugal, no matter what they say! Boy this americans don't know how to be clever, low key people, so stupid and greedy

  5. First, they rejected the motion from the far left to tax crypto because that law was absurd, but all parties want to tax crypto, not in the same extreme way that the far left want to do it, even the party on the government is studying how to tax crypto, i hope that they dont do it in time to aplly for 2023, but it can hapne.

  6. 🌞 The governments in North America are heavily regulating the central exchanges(examples Binance, Kucoin) that the residents are permitted to use, so much limiting the altcoins that the working class and the middle class people can invest in. For those people life changing crypto investment isn’t very possible by using expensive DEX. Also, only the rich can make life changing profits from investing in BTC and ETH at today’s prices.
    Was the 2021 bull market the last open opportunity for the commoner working class people(in North America) to make life changing crypto gains with the wide variety of altcoins?
    Do you think the above statement is true? What are the various ways for these people to not to be so restricted for altcoin options?

  7. This makes zero sense. I don't even think Maria lives in Portugal, otherwise she would know that the left parties in Portugal are working towards taxing everything, even crypto, and they don't need to investigate, since the exchanges provide the authorities with the list of holders in Portugal, also the banks are aware about who is sending and receiving money from exchanges and they will happily send that info to the authorities and in the end the left parties kill everything they touch. 10 years ago in Portugal you didn't pay taxes on stock who held for more than 12 months, now you pay and the rare is almost 30%!!!
    VAT is 26%, Portugal is one of the countries with the highest tax rates for the living standard in Europe.

  8. Please leave Portugal alone, we’re tired of being the world’s summer camp. The poor Portuguese people have been pushed out to make room for you guys. Not cool at all

  9. Portugal is smart enough to understand that Bitcoiners will just stand up and leave the moment a crypto-tax goes into effect and thus Portugal will miss out on an entire crypto economy that will spend their value somewhere else. VERY good news that there was such a big part that voted against it again, do you have any links to 'official' news about this?

  10. When the USD crashes, evaporates, governments will collapse. Theres the answer to any tax worries! Complying with govts is a suicidal act… the sooner people realize that (as they die) the better!

  11. Olá Maria! Hopefully we dont have to follow European rules regarding this and became a technological hub on blockchain. Some (Mortagua yes i am looking at you!) are very concerned about being a tax heaven for crypto, but they seem to miss out what it brings in terms of technology and startups to Portugal. Living in Scandinavia i am quite pleased with the movements currently residing in Portugal, i attended a blockchain developers workshop and people had to be turned down, in bear market this is really awesome to see.


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