For many critics, the arch-conservative Catholic community Opus Dei is a diabolical sect. However, Opus Dei (which translates to “Work of God”) sees itself in a very positive light. Even today, it’s very difficult to look into the inner world of the sect.
That’s because its 90,000 members worldwide have taken a vow of secrecy – and those who have left report persecution if they break that vow. Meanwhile, Opus Dei is working to become the most influential player in the Catholic Church. To this end, it maintains a secret network – including branches in Germany.
It is no coincidence that the German headquarters are located in Cologne – Germany‘s most powerful Catholic archdiocese. In Germany, Opus Dei is focused on trying to gain a foothold in the field of education, by running daycare centers and schools.
The examination of a daycare center in Munich shows that Opus Dei deliberately conceals its involvement in these institutions. Another component of the network is IESE, the business school of Opus Dei, which also has an offshoot in Germany. It is considered one of the best schools of its kind in the world.
In Spain, where Opus Dei originated, sect members are active in parts of the judicial and educational sectors. The documentary tries to uncover these connections in both Spain and Germany, and lets both victims and experts have their say. It also includes an interview with the head of Opus Dei, Christoph Bockamp.
For the first time, a former member from Germany reports on her ordeal in Opus Dei and the harassment she experienced after she broke away from the sect. Spaniard Carmen Charo developed mental health problems during her time in Opus Dei, due to brainwashing and psychological pressure. Today, she helps others in their journey out of Opus Dei.
Dietmar Scharmitzer is trying to do the same thing with German-speaking people who want to leave, and runs an Internet platform to help inform them. Finally, Marco Politi, an author and Vatican expert from Rome, takes stock of the influence Opus Dei has exerted since the time of Pope John Paul II.
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Blatant misinformation. I will no longer watch your one-sided "documentaries."
Sounds sooooo lik alcoholics annonymous' techniques in some ways but way worse
Its in ireland too
I would like to join
This video has been produced by someone who was not taught the Holy Roman Catholic Faith, nor has read the lives of the saints. It has a very protestant feel to the contents. Of course there are Catholics who fail to understand the rule of obedience and how challenging it is. I am not a member of Opus Dei, never was; but realise ignorance of the Faith and what it requires to submit to a life of total obedience would be. In lay mans terms it is like being in the army during combat where orders are orders and have to be obeyed. This is one way we can serve God in opposition to the devil which was cast out of Heaven when it said "I will NOT serve."
Catholicism is satanism. I will never step in any catholic church of the devil ever again.
Mediocre journalism. I get that journalists have biases and we probably have to respect that. But they do have a duty to being balanced; it’s nowhere in this film. At the end of the documentary, there is insinuation that OD lacks “love and mercy”. But the producers have never even mentioned OD’s many charitable initiatives all over the world, institutions that educate the poor (who have no way of ever repaying OD) and give them a bright future. There are also ordinary lay members who find deep fulfillment in their being part of the prelature; none of them seems to have been interviewed here. And there are former members like myself who have experienced that love and mercy in OD and still savor it outside the organization (precisely because of their formation in OD). It is of course sad that some former members had bad experiences with specific OD members; they must be given attention and remedy. But their stories cannot be the sole color of the tapestry of OD within the Church and the world. As audiences we have to be intelligent enough to recognize that as well.
The horrendous state the German Church is in makes Opus Dei seem attractive to me; given the choice between the German Synodal Way and Opus Dei, I'm going with Opus. At least I might find some semblance of Catholicism there.
As crazy as it sounds, Opus Dei is essential to the survival of The Catholic Church. The Church has been infiltrated at virtually every level, by Communist , Globalists. In order to ensure the continuity of The Church it is essential. Consider, how the founder of The Illuminati , Adam Weishaupt himself infiltrated The Church, by becoming a Catholic Priest.
The different compartments of this church are necessary. The one’s at the lower levels do not understand.
This video represents a one-sided propaganda piece against The Church. As only one side is heard.
This documentary is a pretty one-sided hit piece. Opus Dei, like many Catholic organizations, has done much good in the world which is not public knowledge which could have been highlighted more than just casual remarks in passing. That said, the charism of St. Josemaria Escriva, sanctity in ordinary life, was and remains valid today in these spiritually tumultuous times. It may be true that the original objectives of Opus Dei have been sidetracked by politics, wealth-building or other considerations. If this is the case then there should be a return to the roots.
You focused on none of the good. I would like to see a more balanced report.
Funny Documentary
What does Exodus 20:1-end say?
Doesn't freedom from all human control lie in the pages of the word of God…the holy bible. For once you know the truth no other man can mislead you.
Didn't Jesus Christ himself say…"It is finished" before he died when he was on the cross. What exactly did he mean.
Why do humans perpetually seek to idolise and worship either another human or graven images instead of The Creator God Himself.
What's wrong with us humans…why do we keep repeating history? Read yout history books side-by-side with the bible.
Come to think of it why are we always questioning groups that claim spirituality…political parties, governments are also cults!
These secular media outlets are 'little Herods'- fascinated by the Holy Spirit yet committed to oppressing it.
I'd be out the door at first sign of the leg chain, braided lash rope, cold showers, permission to buy a pair of pants, etc…it's hard to believe there are people who would except, allow and agree to the Opus Dei slavery training provided at their leisure, how can this organization be allowed to operate and at the same time be supported by a religious organization on a grand scale? Outrageous and off the charts when it come to extremist behavior.
I'll bet Jesus would puke if could see the things that are done in his name.
Now make one about the sect of the Jesuits, the communists and globalists servants
Quite disappointing to find this in DW. I thought they did serious investigative reporting. A few minutes into this video one can already find a number of gross historical inaccuracies that can be easily verified from public sources. If DW is serious they should take down this video. In the meantime, although DW was recommended to me, I would not recommend it to anyone else for now.
I was an Opus Dei Cooperator. Stop misrepresenting what you know nothing about. It is not coercive. There are so many errors in this video.
What horrific bullshit. A
Stake needs to be driven though as the heart of christianity.
He was known for his physical prowess on stage very athletic or Alive very impulsive very passionate or Richard III and he was known for his swashbuckling abilities and he fit the part he dressed accordingly and he acted his own way he was blustered he was passionate he was exceedingly good looking women could not resist him he had wonderful dark eyes and a beautiful melodious voice
The Roman Catholic Institution is a political and occultic organization. No one can be saved in paganism.
1) We are saved by Faith and Works. Christ, Paul and the Apostles taught this principle. Matt.5:16, Gal.6:9-10, Eph. 2:9-10, Phil.2:12, James 2:24-26.
2) We will be judged by our works. Rev.22:12, 20:12.
3) Christ tells us plainly what he means by work. Matt. 25:35-36.
The opinions and rules of opus dei are man made rules. No one is obliged to follow them. Christ warns about this. Matt.15:9.
Christians, fascists, and businessmen looking to "liberalise" the economy… Name a more iconic trio.
The Da Vinci Code is an incredibly blatant mess of untrue misinformation that could become a best seller only in a time of foundering of all cultural notions. Only one example: the "mysterious text in an strange language" is A FRAGMENT OF THE GOSPEL. Only it's written without separation between the words, something done sometimes in Greek or Latin. And somebody who can't tell a text in Latin, writing such a book…!
Good Christians wouldn't have supported Franco.
It is not a sect
Next on dw: the brave priests who worship satan but cant talk about it in public because of the oppressive vatican.
Isnt calling a monotheistic heirarchical organization 'authoritatian' a bit redundant?
What a surprise, yet another hit piece featuring 'progressive' collegiate types spouting modernist values.
The government of the Central Bank in Kenya is an Opus Dei member and reportedly gave up his salary for the poor when appointed. My aunt is Opus Dei.
I really appreciate that none of the member I know try to convert me, I find that very annoying with some Christians groups. That said, religious freedom and diversity in Kenya like many Africann countries is very, very normal and you have everyone from Africanists to Muslims and Christians. Thankfully, we don't have the kind of madness like in tthe west where some don't want to allow religious people freedom or the other extreme such as in the US where some religious groups don't allow anyone to have their say.
I have known Opus Dei members and one the best universities in Kenya and Schools are owned by them. They accept everyone but the dress code and discipline are emphasized. This is a very interesting documentary. As I understand it, this is one of goals the members have – to integrate in society and it's quite OK.
Could it be that some of these sects are more strict where they originate than in other areas? I think of Jehovas Witnesses too as the ones I know in Kenya aren't as strict – why? Anyway, wishing you peace and tolerance.
The truth is: there is no freedom in Opus Dei. Rules, obedience human and spiritual goals takes precedence to be really “free” the real freedom of a child of God. The heresy of fundamental Catholicism is believing humans have figure out God.
You must be joking with this silly propaganda piece.
this is Funny because Opus Dei would always emphasize on the GIFT OF FREEDOM which is very opposite of this Documentary. They also have thousands of scholars and all their graduates are sought after by huge corporations, hotels, industries etc. because of the values and virtues of the graduates they toward their work. no wonder they always get promoted to higher ranks because of their work ethics. They have the best hospitals and schools all over the world and they have the best charitable institutions you will know of. Just like DaVinci Code this documentary will spike an increase in membership.
29 seconds in.
Im not gonna sit here and suffer through slanderous hitpieces on the Church, calling the body of Christ "authoritarian".