Home Real Estate FINALLY WE GOT THIS PART FINISHED! | Portuguese Permaculture Projects

FINALLY WE GOT THIS PART FINISHED! | Portuguese Permaculture Projects

FINALLY WE GOT THIS PART FINISHED! | Portuguese Permaculture Projects

We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. In today’s video we finish the render work on the Grey Water Wetland.

Stay tuned for more building content and why not hit the notification bell so you don’t miss it 😉 thanks for watching!

My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey & Akira we show you the rebuild of our house and what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉

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  1. Pretty lady leaving??? … thought she lived in portugal 🙁
    Why u made the tank so high if it will be at land lvl? u sonsidering flat the terrain to the end of tank? all work in rendering something that will be covered in dirt …. lol

  2. De aanhouder wint! Wow, I'm impressed with Duarte's ability to catch on so quickly, not to mention his ingenuity! A quick study. Diana, also, has been caught up in the communal process and is quite a force! All in all, things seem to be going smoothly! In the background, Jasper is handing out his special treats to all in his fiefdom (doggies & humans alike).

  3. Great job, getting there slowly but surely!!!!
    Would it not help to give the inside a coat of water proof paint?
    To help stop any water seeping through the walls and floor as well as reducing the chances of the render becoming loose/damaged…

  4. Hiya Jasper and Co.
    You are certainly a Journeyman and your crew also.
    You have travelled here to sojourn together.
    And you are making great strides.
    Well done Jasper's "Journeymen" and your sojourn.

  5. Anyway. Almost ready. But I still do not understand why the floor is straight and the top is going down. Tha water at the beginning will in my opinion never come higher the the lowest point. But maybe I am wrong.


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