Home Resorts First Job of the Portugal Renovation – Bit of Fun, Building A Stone Wall in the Courtyard #56

First Job of the Portugal Renovation – Bit of Fun, Building A Stone Wall in the Courtyard #56

First Job of the Portugal Renovation – Bit of Fun, Building A Stone Wall in the Courtyard #56

We’ve spent a bit of time clearing out the house and deciding what we plan on doing to this old run down house. The rain has made us re order our plans, but we can now start the renovation and hopefully get some real progress in the coming weeks. Our target is to get the courtyard fully finished by the time the roof is up so we can start inside the house straight after. Im sure we will discover a few obstacles along the way, as this is an old Algarve house but we will tackle and resolve them to restore it to much more than it’s former glory. So its time to start work… ‘Let the games begin’.
Everything we do to the house we get professional advice and I do try when I remember to give info that might be interesting, however my videos are part of my journey and not a ‘DIY’ or ‘HOW TO’ program. I’ve researched everything we are doing but hold back on details about the legalities or approvals etc, because I’m not qualified.
Thanks for watching



  1. Wow some of the comments are almost as interesting as your video Andy! 👀🍿😂 Anyways…great idea on using up the stones. Can't wait to see more of the courtyard as it progresses. Take care 😀

  2. HI ANDY
    just want to say that i love your channel and keep up the good work, very inspiring and i could only wish that i had your enthusiasm to get so much done, but im not watching this one yet as ive decided to start from the beginning of your journey and only upto #27 so far, looking forward to many more :}

  3. Hi Andy, love your content. Reminds me of spending summers in the Algarve on a friend's property in a small village called Navé Redonda! I was wondering if you'd consider making a video on the dogs? Just how they came into your care and how they are around the land etc? They are such a huge part of your videos and think they deserve the focus! Thank you again!

  4. You are an inspiration a Tour de force in human form. A great communicator got two projects on the go plus everything else you do in between. While you work hard you still find joy and fun in what you do. Thank you for taking us along. Greetings from London 🙏🌻🐈😃

  5. Me again,…when I did a stable/house Reno it had clay floors, so I got builder to tint cement for new floors with special powder and they were lovely smooth terracotta coloured. I tried pure clay terracotta tiles but water went straight thru! The bamboo is very popular now for outdoor ceilings and screens. Sold in ready to use various sizes from hardware outlets. Cheers.

  6. Hi Andrew, love the drives you take us on, into surrounds! I think the donkey wants to come home with you! Great use of excess stone.How about 2 walls, each end table height, with a nice varnished wooden top, or painted one. Excess blue doors? Btw, the plot of land at the back, someone may want to buy that to add onto house…? This video is a breath of fresh air of normality, in this dreadfull time that the folks of Ukraine are coping with. Thankyou and keep smiling. Hope they stock choc digestives!

  7. Love the donkey!!
    Enjoying twice per week vids. 😁
    Courtyard. Yay! 🌿🌱🌹💐🌺
    Definitely take time for yourself, so u don’t get tired of making these vids. !!
    (A bit selfish on my part. Lol)

  8. Thanks for putting part of the stone bench at a lower height. Ladies are generally shorter than men and it’s nice for our feet to touch the ground when we are sitting. Have a great weekend and looking forward to the house drawing! Enjoy the beach!


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