Home Real Estate Ghana 🇬🇭 or South Africa 🇿🇦 | Which Country would you Prefer to Live and Work? Asking Nigerians

Ghana 🇬🇭 or South Africa 🇿🇦 | Which Country would you Prefer to Live and Work? Asking Nigerians

Ghana 🇬🇭 or South Africa 🇿🇦 | Which Country would you Prefer to Live and Work? Asking Nigerians

#ghana #southafrica #bestafricancountrytoliveandwork

Today, I would be asking the question Ghana 🇬🇭 or South Africa 🇿🇦” Which Country would you Prefer to Live and Work”
Let us know your answer in the comments.

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  1. Today, I would be asking the question Ghana 🇬🇭 or South Africa 🇿🇦'' Which Country would you Prefer to Live and Work''
    Let us know your answer in the comments.

  2. Shame as a South African myself I find it incredibly sad that much of the fears the rest of the continent has with our country is because of abhorrent xenophobia.

    I must say, though it is widely reported. Allot of South Africans are warm and welcoming people. I would urge all Africans to come down if possible to just experience the life here.

    Most of the xenophobia as I understand it, is 1. Quite honestly charged by small groups of people and this is widely reported by media as a shared greater attitude in the country. Which is far from the truth. We’re a loving nation.

    2. Peoples nationalities are never the problem but I think also with allot of the identified problems with other African immigrants is unlawful behaviour (which I won’t go into because I’m not interested creating more conversational divides). The issues are nuanced and I hope peaceful solutions are founded to help alleviate the problem at their core.

    But all in all, I seriously recommend all Africans to come down to personally experience the warmth of your people. Rather then buying into what media has so successfully projected as overarching cause of concern for the rest of the diaspora. I guess what I’m trying to say is we’ll love you when you get here. 💕 And I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of the issue, it’s there but not as large scale as people perceive.

    Also for the people that chose Ghana, I don’t blame them. Their the standard in Africa for safe guarding their peace, I mean the country has never experienced any form of war. That’s commendable and should be lauded by all of Africa.

  3. Mxm stupid channel why most of countries always criticizing South Africa? Can you just leave South Africa alone and go stay somewhere?😴😒🤔💩🚮

  4. Man powering vid! This sums up most blks mentally. They rather live under white ppl knowing how they feel about them them go next door from their homeland and build or take advantage of what already exists! Thx for pointing this out in 4k! ✌🏾♥️

  5. I'm from South Africa, we have racism issues, cos of course because we have the highest number of white people. The country is very rich but the wealth is still owned by the white minority.

  6. South Africa is accommodating foreigners regardless of the past xenophobic attacks now the government recognises them and there are a lot of foreigners in the job fields. They now tend to employ foreigners just to appreciate them over South Africans yeah that's the truth❤❤

  7. All these young ppl have reasonable to good/informed responses. Im sorry to say that if u ask a random american young person the same question, they wouldn't be able to give u an inform opinion. Not because they're dumb, but because they're distracted.

  8. Ghana seems more African, because they are more welcoming. There's just something not right about south Africa, though its a very beautiful country! But for safety, food, the culture & open mindedness… Ghana all the way

  9. Lol funny enough we as south africans don't go around saying Nigerians are scammers human traffickers and terrorists… You would never see a video from a South African saying of these bad things about Nigerians…. We have documentaries in South Africa like cutting edge they bust Nigerian traffickers, these men traffick fellow Nigerian women to South Africa lying to them about them about job opportunities… We have saved so many Nigerian women, gave them education but you won't see us making Nigerian bad people…. Ethiopians are on the list of the worst people to invite in your home they are mass killers in Langa cape Town but hey we are *ENOPHOBIC… South Africa is a boiling point waiting to explode, citizens are tired because familiarity breeds contempt when it comes to our fellow Africans

  10. Did u know SA has more foreigners than ALL African countries combined, and that is excluding the undocumented fools in here living tax free and committing all sorts of crime. If SA is bad then why are there more 100k documented foreigners coming to SA every year and I won’t even mention the undocumented fools jumping borders.

  11. I love you content you just gain South African 🇿🇦 subscriber and I love to make Nigerian friends and I would love to come and visit in Lagos or Abuja 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  12. I am a South African and my barber is Ghanaian we are not all Xenophobic we love our African brothers and sister the issue is the way so many people are so unemployed in SA it is baaaaaaaad! You are right about the white people though

  13. Trust media..in South Africa you'll believe in xonophobia while the same foreigners commit more crime without identity, bribery whatsoever ..the media wants to destroy it..full stop 😂😂


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