Home Immigration Golden Residence Permit of Portugal – European Passport – Our Credentials

Golden Residence Permit of Portugal – European Passport – Our Credentials

Golden Residence Permit of Portugal – European Passport – Our Credentials

The European Passport team is comprised of immigration experts in Hong Kong and real estate professionals in Portugal – with the service offering conceived, managed and directed by myself, a Co-Founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre.

I started my first immigration practice in Hong Kong in 1993, co-founded the world’s first point-to-point global immigration practice in 2000 and served as the Executive Director for Asia Pacific Markets for the world’s largest corporate immigration law firm between 2006 and 2009.

In 2011, my business partner and I established the Hong Kong Visa Centre to take advantage of technology opportunities reshaping the immigration services landscape globally as the networked economy increasingly comes to the fore.

Whilst our core competency has always been Hong Kong immigration, the recent introduction of the Golden Residence Permit initiative by the Portuguese government is a compelling, cost-effective and simple pathway to a European Passport which is not to be missed.

Consequently, I felt duty-bound to bring this once-in-a-lifetime European Passport opportunity to market in a fuss-free, high quality service offering allowing you to quickly participate and easily, before the door closes, as it eventually will.

Quite simply, the Golden Residence Permit is the finest second nationality programme in existence today — and the government of Portugal should be applauded for its development and introduction.



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