Home Immigration Gravitas: Portugal likely to scrap 'Golden Visa' scheme

Gravitas: Portugal likely to scrap 'Golden Visa' scheme

Gravitas: Portugal likely to scrap 'Golden Visa' scheme

Portugal’s ‘Golden visa’ is facing a threat of being scraped. Prime Minister Antonio Costa says the scheme has “fulfilled its role”. @MollyGambhir tells you more

#portugal #goldenvisaportugal #gravitas

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  1. What risks! We have boat loads of people entering Europe without documents and a hand full of Golden visas being issued to businessmen who buy a house for a minimum of 500,000 euro. What is the big deal. If they are inflating the housing market then rewrite the law so they can only buy new builds or other projects that need investment.

  2. Why would a wealthy individual want EU citizenship? There is a huge HUGE misconception (specially in Asia) that life in the EU is 'better' – a sort of paradise. They don't even know how life here is. Just coming for a short holiday is NOT enough.

    Let me tell you – I have lived in Asia and I live in Europe, in a so-called 'wealthy' European country. The reality is – many people here struggle financially. The reality is – cancer patients are put on waiting lists. Many die before they can get proper treatment. The authorities do try but facilities are limited. Career growth opportunities are very limited. Regional languages are important. Only English will not be enough. The population is greying (growing older) which means that the younger and working people have to carry the burden of the welfare state – by paying taxes so high – they will blow your mind! The economy is shrinking and will shrink even further.

    As for the reasons behind wanting EU citizenship – the Chinese have very different (and valid) reasons. Mainly the lack of democracy. May sound silly to some – but those who suffer it know the pain.

    As for Indians – it is purely a fantasy based on lack of knowledge and ignorance about the facts.

    India is a vibrant democracy and it is high time to respect that. As for giving your children a better education – you got to be brain-dead. INDIAN EDUCATION is producing the brightest stars of the tech and business world. Your kid will get 100% better education and good values in INDIA.

    And what about racism? It is a daily challenge. Something you never have to suffer in your own country. A life of love, belonging and dignity are far more precious than some nonsensical fantasy or status/ego trip which never made anyone really happy.

  3. I am Portuguese! And, I would LOVE to see more people from India there! I love my Indian friends. All, smart people, good manners and, unlike the other nations, not criminals!


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