Home Real Estate Grocery Shopping or Doing Life in Portugal | Cost Comparison Lisbon to Denver

Grocery Shopping or Doing Life in Portugal | Cost Comparison Lisbon to Denver

Grocery Shopping or Doing Life in Portugal | Cost Comparison Lisbon to Denver

We lived in the Lisbon metro area for about a month while looking for a neighborhood to settle in before making our final move. We knew that the quality and price of food in Portugal were better than in the states, but we wanted to see for ourselves. We did a small price comparison on the things that we needed to eat in, from time to time.

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ABOUT HALISI AND RIC: If you’re like us, you were living your life – helping your kids through college and other endeavors, taking a vacation here and there, and strivin’. Then one day you wake up and realize 50 is staring you in the face and your savings and retirement account look piddly.
We changed the way we handled our finances and within three years our net worth went from -$22k to $800k+ and we were in a position to retire. We are currently scouting locations to retire abroad.
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  1. Are masks still required in Portugal? I read as of July 1, 2022 they are no longer required entering or leaving Portugal, curious….

  2. Did you like the cheese? That one isn’t actually a cream cheese, though you can spread it… It is certainly a far more traditional cheese in Portugal than cream cheeses.

  3. Wow. The cream cheese at our Kroger is $1.69 for store brand. Found some local cheese for $2.99. Looks like most things in Denver are much more expensive than the Midwest. Thanks for the video!

  4. On your next shop in the supermarket for jam you have Casa da Prisca wich is one of our best brands here in Portugal; Olive oil works like this : Low grade means less flavour, 0°; to sense something you have to buy near 3°; more than this is usually bad.
    On butter everything that come from Azores is great like Milhafre but also usually pingo doce and Continente butter come from Açores. Personaly I buy salted Kerrygold wich is from Ireland and for me is the very best.

  5. Glad to see you both smiling after spending money! It seems you are happy with what was left in the wallet.
    When subscribed to your channel one of the things Halisi said was how unpleasant the graffiti can be and in this video it does show behind you the walls! I find it ugly as well and hopefully the Lisbon Mayor will do something about it.
    Pingo Doce is actually a shop with average prices.
    I think you can buy even cheaper but the brands would be either Spanish or Portuguese.
    Hope you are enjoying settling in!


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