Home Real Estate HOA Steals Farmer’s Property, She Gets Epic Revenge! Never Mess With A Farmer!

HOA Steals Farmer’s Property, She Gets Epic Revenge! Never Mess With A Farmer!

HOA Steals Farmer’s Property, She Gets Epic Revenge! Never Mess With A Farmer!

In this video, a homeowner association messed with a farmer and tried to intimidate her! She then got epic revenge with her chicken coop!

#reddit #neighborstories #justnohoa

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Story 1
5:44 Story 2
11:58 Story 3

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Music Credit:
Lakey Youtube:

Official “LAKEY INSPIRED” License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License

Credit for Video Background: Pixabay & Pexel

If you don’t want your story in this video please message me on Reddit at u/aconwright and I will happily remove it 🙂

I’m a voice actor that narrates stories. I record all of the voiceovers and edit by myself. I like to read stories about HOA (homeowner associations), neighbors from hell, revenge, entitledpeople & Karens & discuss them with my viewers & bring the stories to life with funny voices and commentary! I also like to show my cat “Disney” ❤️



  1. Those HOA people in the first one really sucked at being decent people. Tried to force him to pay fines for things on something he's never joined. Painting his house, getting rid of all his animals when he's a farmer. Moving to the farm lands and trying to force the locals into being big city folk. 😒

  2. 1# should have made an FOA (Farm Owners Assosiacation) wich gives Farmers support on what they need like collectively maintained machienes home owners can buy in and get some goods 🙂

  3. In some parts of New England and neighboring New York, the influx of cityfolk attitudes has caused almost all of the hamlets and townships to enact
    'RIGHT TO FARMLIFE' laws, which put an end to the cityfolk legal harrassment of farmers.

  4. City folk need to remember that the country is a food factory. The country is NOT quiet it IS a working environment. It can be noisy (animals and farm machinery)and smelly (natural fertilising).

  5. Story 1: Every single "fine" sent by the HOA through the USPS is a criminal act…Mail Fraud…since OP was not a member. It would also be Attempted Extortion as well. Fuck off HOA!
    Story 3: Admins always…A L W A Y S…leave a backdoor…or in this case a trip-wire…just in case of assholes trying to fuck with them.

  6. City folk need to remember that the country is a food factory. The country is NOT quiet it IS a working environment. It can be noisy (animals and farm machinery)and smelly (natural fertilising).

  7. ⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐⭐⭐🌟⭐⭐🌟⭐⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🐼🐨🐨🐼🐨🐼🐨🐼🐾💕🐾💕💕🐾💕👍

  8. You are insane to make life difficult for a farmer, especially today. They feed us. All these big farms could stop producing or delivering and everybody will be very grateful when there are still small local farmers there to feed everybody. People need to learn from and support our farmers.


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