Home Real Estate Hot Mixing Lime and Dubbing Out – Portugal Property Renovation #31

Hot Mixing Lime and Dubbing Out – Portugal Property Renovation #31

Hot Mixing Lime and Dubbing Out – Portugal Property Renovation #31

Our limecrete floor is down and has dried out nicely. Now it’s time to use a completely different type of lime to start filling in the holes in the stone walls of our Portuguese farmhouse. In this video we’ll show you how we’ve been hot mixing quicklime (or cal viva in Portuguese) and preparing the walls for plastering.

Since we’ve got a lot of lime work ahead of us, it’s high time Kylie had a go with a trowel and a hawk. I’m sure she’ll pick it up in no time…

For more on our DIY renovation of this beautiful stone house, check out our BUILD playlist.



  1. no! i think you should most DEFINATELY put the cardboard on the new floors also!!! way to hard to try to keep the stuff from falling onto the floor, just easier if you have the cardboard there anyway – even in the middle, in case you step in the stuff closer to the wall and track it across the room HEHE. Just my thought on matter HEHE.

  2. Olá
    Gosto de ver o vosso esforço eu também desde 2013 que ando a fazer obras na minha casa no Alentejo devagar porque é tudo muito caro aprecio a vossa persistência eu sou portuguesa e já me deparei com alguns vigaristas imagino vocês que não são portugueses .
    😭Um abraço Célia.

  3. You can get smaller trowels to push the lime mix into the cracks better when you have smaller cracks…. see indie projects barn vonversion… they did the pointing on that after ther rebuilt the walls.


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