Home Real Estate House of the Dragon: Spain & Portugal Filming Locations & Start Date (Game of Thrones prequel)

House of the Dragon: Spain & Portugal Filming Locations & Start Date (Game of Thrones prequel)

House of the Dragon: Spain & Portugal Filming Locations & Start Date (Game of Thrones prequel)

#GameOfThrones #HouseOfTheDragon #JuegoDeTronos
House of the Dragon, the Game of Thrones prequel about the Dance of the Dragons, has announced the locations it will be filming at for its first season in Spain, and new location Portugal, and the filming date for these locations. Link 1 to local news coverage in Spain: Link 2 to local news coverage in Spain:



  1. Regarding the filming in Monsanto: last week I read an article published on the 08th July in a Portuguese regional newspaper from that area of the country. It said the HoD team would be in Monsanto "for months". I know there's a lot of rumours going around right now, and we must take everything with a grain of salt until we get official confirmation, but the author of the article seems to have spoken to the local authorities who are helping prepare the location for filming.

    This is the part that mentions the duration of the filming in Portugal:

    "This week still, the production team will visit the village again with the mayor of Idanha-a-Nova, Armindo Jacinto, and the president of the Parish Council of Monsanto, Paulo Paiva Monteiro, to start preparing the heavy logistics that this huge [TV] production requires. Hundreds of people, including technicians, actors and the production team, will be in Monsanto for months, converting it into one of the settings of a cult series that marked popular culture in the last decade."

  2. I really wonder what Monsanto will be
    All the portuguese newspapers that spoke with the town's mayor said the House of The Dragon team was really interested in *the castle*. If they would just use the village streets it could be some King's Landing streets but they specifically wanted the castle. We don't even know if they're gonna film inside the actual village. It doesn't really give me Eyrie vibes? But what else could it be? As you said they could've chosen any place and they chose Monsanto. So I'm super intrigued

  3. I live about an hours ride from monsanto and i really want to go there when they are settled in and filming.. wish i could visit all the other locations too.. Amazing places!

  4. I think it's worth pointing out that the Monsanto castle is located on the top of a inselberg so I think they might focus on the castle viewed from a far distance

  5. Terry Gilliam had troubles shooting at Tomar Castle for 'The Man who killed Don Quixote', regarding the use of fire and the cutting of trees… on a national monument… His portuguese producer was a bit of a scumbag, to be honest, and jeopardized the whole production…

  6. i visited spain (including basque country) a few decades ago, and more recently was in portugal for a week. i read portuguese almost fluently, but the spoken language is hard. zhdawng zhdawng zhdawng. it's cool, though. i'm glad to see portugal getting a piece of the action. the tile roofs in monsanto reminded me of italy a bit. anyway, yes.

  7. Still kinda hard to be excited for this TBH. That said, at this point I'll just pretend the main show was simply a bad dream and only the books exist, to give this one a fair shot. I guess HBO must realise at this point that they need a home run in this franchise after what happened.

  8. That castle instantly reminded me of the Eyrie too. Although I don’t know what the streets with the massive boulders would be used for as I don’t recall any cities near the castle. I think the only city inside the vale is Gulltown on the east coast. I’m also glad they’re returning to some original filming locations!


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