Home Real Estate How an Athens neighborhood fights the pressures of gentrification | Focus on Europe

How an Athens neighborhood fights the pressures of gentrification | Focus on Europe

How an Athens neighborhood fights the pressures of gentrification | Focus on Europe

In the Greek capital Athens, the traditionally leftist neighborhood of Exarchia is facing the pressures of gentrification.


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  1. If you don't want gentrification….just bring in immigrants…then you can increase your budgets for jails and security….then you can invest in rubber boots and toilet paper

  2. Misleading, Exarchia is a drug dealer's playground and something has to be done. Nobody wants to live in this cesspool!!! 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿

  3. This is a fairlytale view of this neighborhood. It’s very unsafe. Anarchy means wanton destruction for destructions sake. People who just want to ruin everything people they are angry at everyone and hate everything

  4. I missed the part of "how an Athens neighborhood fights the pressures of gentrification"…. they have a free kitchen? Is that it?? That on its own can actually have a gentrification effect. The "creatives" love these places.. they move in because rents are cheap.. the neighborhood becomes trendy, politicians see the opportunity to "clean it up", rents go up, any traces of communal/occupied spaces are exterminated either by law or speculation. That's pretty much the basic recipe for gentrification that you laid out in this video.

  5. I don't have a problem with people carving out an alternative neighbourhood for themselves. But it's hypocrical when they also resent the rest of society, vandalise it as often as possible, and demand that their lifestyle is subsidised by the government. This video makes Exarchia sound romantic. It didn't mention any of the violence, drugs or terrorism that also define the neighborhood.


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