Home Real Estate How Female Conquistadors Conquered Americas – Age of Colonization

How Female Conquistadors Conquered Americas – Age of Colonization

How Female Conquistadors Conquered Americas – Age of Colonization

Wizards and Warriors:
Cold War:

Kings and Generals’ historical animated documentary series on the early modern history and the history of age of colonization continues with a video on the female conquistadors who served the Spanish empire and were instrumental in the conquest of Americas.

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Roman Trade with Africa
Roman-Indo-Parthian Trade
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German Conquistadors: Search for El Dorado:

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The video was made by Lucas Salatiel, while the script was researched and written by Ivan Moran. Narration by Officially Devin (

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Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

#Documentary #AgeofColonization #Conquistadors



  1. K&G cleared the myth that conquistadors were men who came alone to ruthlessly plunder, andntold us how they were men and women who came together to ruthlessly plunder 😂

  2. As in Norse households when the men went off to the sea for fishing or war the girls followed to share the burde, and the others continued the daily managment of the estates and farms.

  3. So, they helped with colonization. That still didn't excuse the ruthless plundering that went hand in grimy hand with colonization especially not to the natives. Ask the natives whether or not they would have been able to differentiate.

  4. Good to see civilizing the shit out of the locals was an equal opportunity employment option.

    Srsly tho. The shit they did was war crimes by anyones measure but also resulted in a technological leap of several hundred years for the Americas as a whole. I suppose thats a silver lining though its disgusting how vigorously they tried to destroy all native culture in the process.

  5. Dont let hollywood take the idea of muh female strong woman movie would ruin historical accuracy
    it needs to be accurate not some pew pew im a strong waman
    but yours are way better than hollywood

  6. Spanish women in the 15th 16th 17th and 18th century:👹👺🤬😈👺 a bunch of brave tasmanian devils spanish women in the current 21 century: 😨😰😓😭 spain unfotinately a country with a large amount of femenists oh how have things changed for spain i feel like if all the comquistadors and comquistadoras and all the spanish tercios travelled to the future to see what spain and its colonies have become i feel that they wouldnt have even fought for spain bcs of the amount of bad things and the amoint of opportunities spain missed to become the worlds hyper power although they did for the 16th and half of the 17th century but then they brutally chocked the title of major world power

  7. |> |> |> |> |> |> |> |>
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    you had also ruthless natives murderer, land robbers und goldseeker by women …

    surtently …

    the flesh eating and blood drinking evilsoul from a desert demon incarnation dont make difference between a hole and a cock …

    such nazisdidnt know gender … also the female was opressed bevause the demon dont like real women.

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  8. Always ( kings and Generals) videos during sharing it's history videos in addition of publishing historical enlightenment also labels to another enlightenment department( this video obviously proved European women having Equality characteristics of European men …also proved that freely – social justice educational of women plants favorite- upper behaviors inside their personalized

  9. The atrocities committed by the Aztecs or Incas upon the rest of the continent indigenous population where real. No matter how we may feel about the conquistadors goal for plunder they could not have acted in any other way but to eradicate from the face of the planet those barbaric inhuman tribes.


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