Home Immigration How much did it cost? Compost, veganism, residency & more questions! ~ In English

How much did it cost? Compost, veganism, residency & more questions! ~ In English

How much did it cost? Compost, veganism, residency & more questions! ~ In English

SUBTÍTULOS EN ESPAÑOL: Activa los subtítulos y luego haz clic en el icono del engranaje para elegir el idioma 🙂

Hi, we are Harriet and Mauro and in 2021 we bought an abandoned smallholding in Castellón, Spain. For the first time, we decided to do a Q&A video to answer some of your questions – two, in fact! The first one answers some question put to us in Spanish, and this one answers different questions in English.

For the Spanish questions (with English subtitles):

In this video we talk about things like purchasing the property (prices, how the land was divided), whether we are vegetarian, our checklist for a plot of land, and more! And very importantly, we reveal how is Tofu getting along with the cats!

I hope you enjoy and thanks for your support and lovely comments!


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Our website (with links to resources we mention):

Idealista, great site to start looking at properties: Idealista.com



00:00 Intro
01:12 Was this always a long term goal of ours?
02:49 What are our professions and qualifications?
04:05 Having a child in rural Spain
05:19 Compost!
08:03 Are we vegetarian?
10:48 How much did the land cost/would something similar cost?
15:19 Moving to Spain as non-EU citizen
16:49 The solar generator
17:29 What was our property checklist, what would we change?
22:36 How do we filter our water?
23:13 Is Tofu enjoying being around the cats?
24:13 Which YouTubers do we like to follow?
26:25 How is climate change affecting our farm?


Music in this video:

Svalbard / Julyan Brynn / Courtest of Epidemic Sound



  1. Gracias por tomaros el tiempo y tratar de ser respetuosos con todo el mundo. Se agradece esa actitud. Mucha suerte y fuerza con vuestro proyecto, un abrazo desde Mallorca

  2. Did you buy the land from idealista ?
    Or another one?
    Can you recommend a real estate and website?I feel like there's a lot of land in Spain available in the countryside but the prices are still high.

  3. Pienso que en la finca tiene que tener una entrada de agua de manantial natural, si puede beber perfectamente, si es de manantial natural. Simplemente es encontrar la entrada y analizar el agua.

  4. I envy your lifestyle so much and loved all your answers. I wish I'd have done something similar years ago. I always wanted to live somewhere like that as I love the sunshine. I live in Scotland and although we're on a remote farm which I love, the weather is very restricting in what we grow etc. We have our own eggs from our chickens, geese and ducks so that's a plus. I try to go with the climate and grow veg to suit it. I love all your videos. You are both so hardworking and never give up!

  5. buen video y se agradecen los subtitulos . miraros los videos de jairo restrepo algunos son pesados pero hay muy buena informacion ya que hace su trabajo donde la gente tiene muy poco poder adquisitivo y eso hace que sea realmente ecologico con lo que se tiene a mano y algo que se me acurrio cuando mencionasteis que ahora con el sol teneis siempre las baterias llenas , teneis agua y desnivel que puede generar presion y agua a presion = energia si encuentro un video en concreto os lo pongo pero la idea basica es un motor con una helice de cucharas la manguera con presion enfocada a la helice haciendo girar el motor y un convertidor de corriente espero me entendais siendo ingeniros jejeje la otra cosa que os queria comentar es que mireis lo que es un ariete con el podreis subir agua sin tener que gastar ningun tipo de energia un saludo siempre aprendiendo cosas unos de otros un abrazo

  6. me gusta un canal que se llama "finca la maye" podría interesaros porque tienen la finca en una zona con clima parecido al vuestro.

    no se si sabéis de injertos. los almendros ya maduros se pueden injertar de arboles frutales: ciruelas y melocotones de muchas variedades y colores. en el jardin de mi abuela habia un arbol con base de almendro con tres ramas grandes y cada una daba un tipo diferente de ciruelas.

  7. You are the second channel I watch about this lifestyle. First was "The Weedy Garden". Thank you 🙂
    My goal in life is similar to yours and I need your content on my radar in order to preserve and nurture that dream of mine <3

  8. Si hicísteis el camino. quizá pasásteis por Bilbao y por el pueblo en el que vivo: Zamudio. Vivo en una casa independiente, y en el terreno, (mucho más pequeño que el vuestro), quiero poner algunos bancales para plantar alguna cosilla, así que veo vuestros videos para ver si puedo copiar alguna idea. También tengo paneles solares, pero estoy conectado a la red eléctrica. Aparte de esto, creo que es una buena forma de practicar el inglés que dejé aparcado en la Escuela de Idiomas. Tengo un amigo en Alfafar (cerca de Valencia capital). Sois una pareja muy maja. Deseo que tengáis mucha suerte. Que Dios os bendiga. Saludos desde el País Vasco (Agur bero bat Euskal Herritik).

  9. WOW. Me emocioné mucho al escuchar sobre un posible vídeo en valenciano para el futuro. Aunque fuese corto ¡me encantaria verlo!

    WOW. M'he emocionat molt al escoltar sobre un possible vídeo en valencià. Encara que fos curt, m'encantaria vore'l.

  10. Wonderful replies! Really enjoyed your approach to 'vegan and vegetarian' in that your objection is industrial food production rather than the food itself🤗🤗 Absolutely my way of lifestyle and as an aside, I found my little piece of Eden by extending the search (We actually bought the mystery house!) And realising our limitations !

  11. Mechanical engineering seems to come with great problem solving skills! And the tech and literature must assist in the creative venture of your YouTube channel.

  12. How is your worm compost doing with all the changes in temperature? I hope you're exploring using the "tea" making for a better level of fertility.
    Two people I discovered that are very enthusiastic about using natural processes for both gardens and trees are Dr. Elaine Ingham, and Geoff Lawton.
    Soil "farming" as opposed to mono crop, commercial growers.
    Beware, there are lots of "worm holes" otherwise known as rabbit holes you could get lost in.
    Geoff Lawton dealt with extremely arid land in Jordan, he may have tips to use.
    Elaine Ingham has degrees in soil biology, so she works with farmers working toward "regenerative" agriculture.
    Personally I do eat meat, but as much as possible from people who raise animals extremely ethically and use regenerative farms.
    It's a process, not heading for any finishing line.
    Thank you for sharing how you deal with setbacks as well as progress.

  13. I’m really enjoying watching your farmstead develop, guys! I’m an American and have been living in Spain on a non-lucrative visa for a little more than 3 years; am happy to share what I know about the process, in case anyone still has questions.

  14. Aww, little man there playing with the cat, loved seeing that 😁 Completely get what you're saying about eggs and stuff, we're the same… Really enjoyed it. Take care! 💚


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