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Ever dreamed of living in Europe?
Many of us have.
However, Europe’s stereotypically high tax rates have turned many successful entrepreneurs and investors away from the idea in search of zero-tax countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, or the Pacific Ocean.
In this video, Andrew shares part of the case when our team helped a high net worth individual move to western Europe and reduce his taxes legally.
00:00 Start
0:54 Smart Ways to Reduce Taxable Income and Save More Money
2:30 Living in Portugal
4:35 The Best Places to Live in Europe
6:34 Living in Ireland
9:03 Living in Switzerland
11:25 Moving to Jersey
Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world’s most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to “go where they’re treated best”.
Work with Andrew:
Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.
Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we’ve spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.
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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.
I understand why people wanna move and keep their wealth. However, life is not always logical. Some people like me just love American culture and sports to live there in exchange for financial setbacks. I rather live in the US than in Vietnam or anywhere else with 10x more wealth.
Smh yes for now but the G reset agenda is going to catch up to alot of you weathly ppl and u don't even realize it 🙈
Covid lockdown case study for why not to move to Europe.
Spain is about to pass amendments to the Beckham Law, making personal income tax 15% for 11 years (!!!) and all non Spanish sourced capital gains and assets free from wealth and capital gains tax. We will move there immediately if passed.
Please do a video on countries with firearms freedom.
Interesting video. I like the case study method of compare/contrast. I hope to see more videos like this that have scenario to apply when comparing the merits of some countries over others.
I just got my Irish passport/citizenship as I was born there. I assume that means Ireland is now not an option for me seen as countries seem to treat their own citizens worse than non citizens. I am also Australian/British and live in the open air prison – Australia.
Switzerland is viable if you’re one of those guys that have a multi million dollar Stock portfolio & solely rely on that money for retirement or what they call FIRE nowadays, you only sell them for your spending needs. There’s no CGT in Switzerland if you’re not a professional trader. There’s a lot of Stock / ETF’s available in EU specifically with no dividend distribution so you get no tax leakage.
Andrew, have you and the team given any thought to producing a video of the conference in Mexico City this year. I mention this because my wife & I are not able to attend. You might want to test market selling the video on your website. Thanks for all you do. Peace.
This was a very interesting video. Well done.
It kills me how crass this guy is about taxes and money.
The residents in Switzerland have in average a higher purchasing power than almost every country in the world. It means that proportionally to the income it’s one the cheapest country. No problem to live correctly with an average income.
Can you make a video on becoming a citizen in Switzerland as a citizen already living in the EU?
Super cool video. I love the idea of Portugal but I've heard some of the same complaints that you mention in the video. Ireland seems awesome too.
Would love a boutique consultancy for three figure freelancers
Hit the thumbs-up!
I'm thinking their maybe tax advantages in this sector in the USA,
Secretary Raimondo Announces New National Strategy to Reenergize U.S. Travel and Tourism?
Maybe be a Nomad Capitalist traveling coast to coast season to season..?
Yeah but living in Italy means living with xenophobic Italians. At least the Portuguese will pretend to like expats to their face
Malta sounds better than Jersey better weather more people
Although we in JUNE< I have interests in global economics I don't watch the news anymore… I have enough FUD. Thanks for this news and offering your insight on how to navigate during unfortunate times/events like this. You're right about keeping level headed when investing so that's why I think it's important to limit the amount of FUD we consume. I don't watch the media but the news that you present has enough to know issues going on without riding the emotional rollercoaster if I were to watch the news everyday. Now I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over £542k from day trading with Dunham Egor Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish…. For crypto related issues Dunham Egor can be reached on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉DUNHAMEGOR
If you want to benefit special and temporay tax exemptions for foreigners, do not get the nationality et be prepared to leave ! As soon as you obtain the nationality of a Western European country, you have to pay some of the highest taxes in the world, including in Switzerland. First bonus in Switzerland : wealth tax ! Second bonus : the highest cost of living in the world ! Ireland, Switzerland and Italy apply much higher taxes to the rich than many US States. A new very dumb video.
What about Bulgaria ?
WARNING : Italy has become a VERY DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE COUNTRY ! Do your research and gather as much info as possible before venturing into something you will immediately regret !!!
For a retired US person with SS income only and a $250K yearly IRA distributions income what would be the amount of tax in one o& those western country Italy, France, Switzerland would be?
Don’t fall into the abyss ! Do not listen to the alluring “ chant of the Sirens “ that are trying to lure you into the lost land of E. U. !!! I have been warning you guys out there who know little to nothing – perhaps due to your young age and lack of specific knowledge- about the “so enchanting Old World “ ….DO NOT TAKE ACTION BEFORE YOU KNOW IN DETAIL WHAT YOU WILL BE DEALING WITH!!! I literally escaped from Italy ( and the mafia – like E. U.!)almost a quarter of a century ago and that has been the smartest move of my entire life . By far !!!!
What about Cyprus? Only 12.5% corporate tax + 2.65% dividends, English as official language, Euro as official currency and only requires 2 months per year to become a tax resident. In my view, one of the best options in Europe.
Great position where you are paying 3m a year in taxes, everywhere else is a bargain.
Switzerland and Italy have always been my favourite choices if I'm ever in that position.
Isn’t Italy the only country that has mandatory vax policy?