How to add Iban in Seguranca social portal in Portugal | Segurança social |
In this video, I explained how to add an IBAN number to Segurança social Direct portal online in Portugal.
It’s a very quick process to add a Bank account or IBAN number to the social security direct portal easily.
Please watch the full video to get to know about the above-mentioned subject.
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Waqar bhai i am with family here with 5 children my and my wife social security i have but not have children social children, kindly tell me how to register my children in social security, thanks
Drive job?
Good information bahi
Salam mashallah bahijan jis ke koi job nahi tab bhi bacho ke mele ghe bank ac father ka Daly gha srif sochal pe dalna hai
Very informative video janab Waqar Abbas saheb as always.Masha Allah 🧿
Best & simple guider about Portugal documents 💕 jeo Waqar bhai with Allah kareem blessings
Swift number konsa hota ha bhai