How to add IBAN to the finance portal online in Portugal?
In this video, I explained how to add an IBAN number to Finance Portal online in Portugal.
It’s a very quick process to add a Bank account or IBAN number to the Finanças portal easily.
Please watch the full video to get to know about the above-mentioned subject.
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G teeek hai
Good job waqar bahi
Bhai swift code konsa hota hae?
Whatsapp number send me
Simply great guiding jeo Waqar bhai
Mashallah Allah pak ap ko Khush rakhy
Very informative video. Bro can I add my Belgium IBAN? I don’t have account in Portugal and I use Belgium IBAN. Belgium is also in SEPA countries and all payments within SEPA and Schengen countries are treated as local.
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