having a fully remote job has allowed me to travel the world whilst working full time. in this highly requested video, I cover everything from what types of remote jobs are out there, where exactly to search for remote jobs and how to find a remote job. I also share with you my top tips and advice on applying for remote jobs. really hope you find this video useful 💛
follow the adventures!!
instagram | @violahelen_
— timestamps
00:00 intro
00:18 disclaimer
00:51 why get a remote job?
01:11 types of remote jobs
03:45 where to find remote jobs
06:32 tips & advice for applying for remote jobs
06:39 qualities needed for remote jobs
07:31 get remote work experience
08:52 entry level remote roles
09:50 outro
— things mentioned
— contact me
business enquiries only | apieceofviola@gmail.com
anything else | hello@apieceofviola.com
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this video is not sponsored.
— faq
where are you from? i’m british chinese, grew up in london and currently living in lisbon!!
what did you study and where? i studied classics for 4 years at oxford university & did a term abroad in rome at sapienza university
why did you move to lisbon alone? this video should explain things a bit more:
how can you afford to travel so much? i choose to spend my money on travel and experiences & hope to show on this channel that not only can travel be a lot cheaper than you think, but that it’s perfectly possible to work full-time whilst travelling! if i can do it, so can you 🙂
— tags
remote work, remote job, work from home, how to find a remote job, how to find remote work, remote jobs, remote jobs no experience, remote jobs from home, remote jobs worldwide, remote jobs 2022, remote jobs uk, remote jobs no experience 2022, remote jobs for students, remote job websites, remote working jobs, remote work from home jobs, remote working jobs uk, remote work travel, remote working tips, remote work from home jobs no experience, remote working abroad, remote work uk, remote work day in the life, remote work portugal, how to get a remote job, how to get a remote job with no experience, how to remote work, how to find remote jobs with no experience
"Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent." –Anonymous
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." –Mark Twain
whatabout upwork? I've hired a few interior designers for my portugal pad from Spain and Poland. Sadly I wasn't able to find any Portuguese interior designer offering their services on there, or I would have jumped at it.
thanks for this vid!
Was searching for remote jobs earlier. I’d really love to live abroad in a couple years, so this video is really helpful ❤️
LP reacted d ryt way, she is Kayantanii.UNO need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationss. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.
Hai anna iam Nagendar Anna na age 42 vor.monster qualification m.l.t medical lab techniciany ,Srpt lo jobs unte cheppagalaru anna.with govt Jobs
are you looking for a remote job? would you be interested in videos sharing what remote jobs you can apply for right now? let me know in the comments! 💛✨