In this video, I answer one of my most asked questions: How to find a house/apartment to rent in Norway. I hope you find my tips helpful!
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Thanks for the video Mon! If the apartment don’t include heading and hot water, how expensive can be? Like, 1-2 people monthly in the highest months?
Hi how to gate job in hotel in norway
Hi. i am an international student at uiT in tromso how can i rent a house there? actullay i don't have bank account in Norway.
How about the digital rent agreements? Whats up with them? How do they work? Honestly, was I not married with kids, i would consider moving in with you:)))
Just like Chicago in America..not much different….
Hii …..hau aar you
Thank you for making this video! I'm looking at Master's degree programs in Oslo and trying to get an idea of what moving there would entail. This helps a lot!
What percentage of our salary do you think should go for rent?
Is there new construction in Norway? Any sites you can suggest? Thank you
I hope she didn't leave that capo on the guitar till now.
How to search for jobs in Oslo?
I hope you make a video about that
Are there any website which have English translations?
Hi,I want to move Norway how to rent house can help me plz
Could you please provide the details that how can i contact to you…
Thanks for this video. I would like to know how difficult it is to rent a place in Norway with pets. Also, how about the older worker getting a job (any, I am not picky). However, I do not have a college degree.
Are the websites you mention also suitable for finding a rental cabin in the forest?
hi im just wondering if it is possible to buy lands in norway to build your own house, and if there is, how do i find land to buy?
Thank you Mon! <3
Is it easy for black man like me to get an apartment?
What kind of plant is it that is on your left side? I love the leaves!
The rekkhus is called a townhouse in Canada.
Hei, Monica. I plan to go to Trondheim om January and I have to choose student housing. Maybe you know smth about SIT or FROST? Which one is better and with bigger numbers of facilities? Thank you.
I'm wondering where would you stay while you are searching for an apartment in Oslo? I mean, it could take a while before you find something suitable. Especially if you are a family of four. 🙂
"Renting a house in the city in Norway is very expensive"
Me: Laughs in Texan
Would you please tell us how much electricity costs in Norway for example an apartment
You should remember to take off the capo, it stretches the strings and the strings will snap faster😂
Hi, can you please make video for the International students who want to do Masters in Norway. Which universities should they apply and which cities are better for intl students to have jobs, odd jobs etc
Finn.no is also the place to go if you want to have a look for buying a place to live in Norway
Do you play guitar??
I'm wondering how you came out with your insect war?
yes dear.. this is very informative .. it would be a great help to those who are looking for place to live
Good job dear
In America we call a lybel "basement living" and Rekkehus "condominium" or "condos" and Tomannsbolig "Townhouse" I hope this help.
Your videos are very educational and really motivate me to actually move to Norway one day. I really hope I can find a job there once I finish law school in the Netherlands. Did you learn the Norwegian language before you moved there?
I'm moving to Oslo next month from the UK and I'm am wondering what to do about quarantine. How easy will it be to get a temporary apartment for one month so that I can stay for the 10 day quarantine, then spend 20 days searching in person (so I can do the viewing)
Is it possible to get a short 1-2 month rent? Are they common? I don't have a Norwegian bank account yet and cannot get one until I go to the bank in person, which would be after I have moved.
What are my options? Thanks!
I do recommend to rent apartments from agency’s. You are able to pay “garanti” instead of “deposit” – which have dramatically difference in price. And you are able to change, paint and decorate you’re apartment instead of renting from some private landlord 🙂
I do recommend heimstaden or leiebolig!
Olá 😊 por quanto fica mais ou menos um apartamento T0, como aquele que disseste que arrendaste no inicio depois de sair de uma casa coletiva?
Vivendo em Portugal, uma carta de recomendação de um antigo senhorio daqui também serve? Obrigada
I want to how to get a job in Norway
hey…i only speak english.
i prefer job as a waiter or at hospitality sector.
is it difficult to find work for a foreigner like me ? and what kind of work i can find in norway ?
Hi mon, I love your videos, regards from Chile, I want to know how difficult is to get a job in norway, as a informatic ingenieer .. Bye 👋..
Great video to get me thinking and comparing…here in Victoria Canada a 2 bedroom apartment rents for 1100 euros/month….don't know what the comparable is in Oslo however.
I am hoping to find my own flat soon, so really appreciate your video!
I am familiar with another website for renting: https://www.utleiemegleren.no/
Could you make a video about what parts of Norway you like the most, perhaps the least too.
Now when the Corona pandemic is in effect it is perfect timing to consider road trips and camping trips, especially to less traveled parts of the country to avoid crowds.
Very helpful Video. Are there any areas in Oslo which should be avoided for safety reasons.
Very helpful 🙏🏻
Is it difficult to get a drivers license?
Hi Mon, obrigada polo vídeo. I was wondering about the type of rent you would recommend for a student moving to Oslo? Is it student residencies best? Thank you for your informative videos!