Here is where I got my orange tree:
Here is a great soil for growing citrus:
Growing citrus indoors is easy! In this growing guide we will talk
about how to grow citrus from start to finish! This growing guide is
simple, easy to follow, and will have you growing your very own
oranges, lemons, and limes right from home! We will talk about how to fertilize your citrus, how much water they need, when you need to water, the pH citrus trees like, re-potting your citrus, what size pot is good, if you can grow from a seed, sunlight requirements, temperature requirements, and some troubleshooting tips like preventing leaf drop, yellowing of leaves, and root rot.
Note: ALL Citrus varieties will apply to this growing guide – Lemons, limes, citrons, oranges, kumquats, tangerines,
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