Stay away from North Macedonia or El Salvadore when getting a 2nd or 3rd passport and only get one fast tract citizenship and not two that has great visa free travel like St. Kitts amd Nevis. If you would like to legally get your income taxes to zero or to get a second passport in as quick as 45 days, go to the above website and hit the button on the top of any page and click on the tab that says APPLY WITH US and then fill out the questions and then hit the button on bottom that says SEND IT TO US and we will get back to you to help solve your problem. THANK YOU.
You have me interested in Guatemala more. I was thinking about visiting el salvador or Nicaragua this November. From Miami these flights are very cheap.
Canada and Austraila r not yet world wide tax countries.
Thank you for the video. What are your thoughts on St. Lucia & Dominica for 2nd passports?
St Kitts and Nevis will lose visa free acess just like other countries …